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S <br />March 8, 1995. On March 14, 1995,the Carrboro Board of Alderman <br />discussed the 'issue and asked for additional 'Information from the <br />Owners Group. On March 15, 1995, the Chapel Hill Town Council <br />recelved a report on the acquisition and tabled it until the <br />information from the Owners Group was available. The Chapel Hill <br />Town Council tabled the matter on March 15, March 27 and April 10. <br />The LOG requested more information, including boring and soil <br />testing data. The borings were conducted on June 2, 1995, and led <br />to the determination that sufficient soil existed an the property. <br />The staff recommendation to purchase the property was presented to <br />the LOG at its June 29, 1995, meeting,, <br />Continued concerns expressed by landfill neighbors led the LOG to <br />form a committee to meet with the group of neighbors in an attempt <br />*0 <br />to understand and address their concerns. A total* of six meetings <br />have been conducted, facilitated by Dispute Settlement Center <br />staff . <br />Our original interest in acquiring the Neville tract lay in our <br />interest to join the two landfill-owned properties, the existing <br />landfill (South Eubanks) and the Greene tract. An additional <br />interest regarded removal of an access easement to the NevJ.1le <br />tract which runs through the Greene tract. This easement is both <br />a legal and a practical impediment to the use of the Greene <br />property reducing its utility and value. <br />In early 1994, calculations for requirements for soil for covering <br />waste and closing the new phase of the landfill, showed that there <br />is a deficit of about 200,000 cubic yards (Attachment B) of soil <br />a ilable on the landfill site, At this t ime it is urgent we move <br />val <br />forward with acquisition, because of the need for soil in late <br />spring 1996, and the need to initiate the lengthy Special Use <br />Pernu*t process as quickly as possible, <br />This property falls within the planning j urisdi.ction of the Tom of <br />Chapel Hill. Attachment C is a memorandum from Roger Walden, <br />Chapel Hill Planning Director, that describes the land use status <br />of the property and details the process for obtaining a rezoning <br />and special use permit that would allow the soil excavation we <br />desire. Mr. Waldon's memorandum suggests that it could take about <br />8 months to complete the process for the special use permit and <br />rezoning. That would -be in addition to the time required to obtain <br />approvals from the governing bodies and to complete the purchase. <br />It is extremely important that we move forward as quickly as <br />possible due to the need for off -site soil In the spring of 1996* <br />Discussions with the neighbors of the Neville and Greene tracts <br />focussed largely on the potential off -site environmental effects of <br />the soil removal process. Discussion revolved around how the <br />neighbors could be involved with the environmental analysis and <br />planni <br />