Orange County NC Website
Fall 1995 <br /> LARC significa infraestructura cultural para apoyar el sistema economico en <br /> que vivimosl LARC means Cultural <br /> Infrastructure to <br /> Support the Economic <br /> LARC's NEWS 1995 World We Live Inl <br /> resented a Fo- Wildacres Leadership Initia- resento un Aura ha lido seleccionada <br /> P rum on ! tive initiated and supported foro sobre como un 'William C. Friday <br /> 'Maintain i n g by the Blumenthal Founda- Pj 'La I Fellow for Human Relations' <br /> Cultural Iden- tion. Governor Jim Hunt Identidad en el programa estatal de dos <br /> tity: Latin Americans in said: This inaugural class of Cultural de los a'nos Wildacres Leadership <br /> North Carolina Today'at Fellows has the experience, Latinoamericanos de Initiative iniciado y finan- <br /> ARTSPACE,Raleigh. motivation, and insight to Carolina del Norte'. ciado por la Blumenthal <br /> help move the state forward'. ARTSPACE,Raleigh. Foundation. El Gobemador <br /> Implemented Educational Jim Hunt dijo: 'Esta clase <br /> Cultural activities with the Implemento actividades inaugurativade Fellows tiene <br /> Latin American musical educativas y culturales con el, la experiencia, motivacion y <br /> group Sol y Canto at the grupo musical Sol y Canto vision pars ayudar al desar- <br /> Ravenscroft School in en la Ravenscroft School v rollo de nuestro estado'. <br /> Raleigh and at the Raleigh en la Raleigh Correctional <br /> Correctional Institution for Institution for Women. <br /> Women. El Gobernador Jim Hunt <br /> Presento su exhibicion: dijo: 'Esta clase <br /> Presented its exhibit "Impresiones de ninos inaugurativa de Fellows <br /> 'Impressions of Colombian Colombianos sobre las tiene la expenencia, <br /> Children about the People of personas de los Estados motivacion y vision para <br /> the United States'in Robeson Governor Jim Hunt Unidos"en el Condado de ayudar al desarrollo de <br /> County, Ravenscroft School said: "This inaugural Robeson,en la Ravenscroft nuesto estado'. <br /> in Raleigh, and Fiesta del class School en Raleigh y en la <br /> experie nce, motivation, <br /> Pueblo in Chapel Hill. Fellows has the Fiesta del Pueblo en Chapel <br /> e <br /> Is developing a curricular unit and insight to help Hill. <br /> move the state <br /> on World History. Esti desarrollando una En Noviembee LARC <br /> unidad curricular sobre recibira a una delegacion <br /> Is developing the pre- Historia del Mundo. oficial del Gobiemo <br /> planning LACE phase in Or- On November LARC will <br /> host an official Colombiano. Desea <br /> ange and Chatham Counties. Esti desarrollando la Fase de artici ar como <br /> delegation from the pre-planeacion de LACE P P <br /> Colombian Government. voluntario/a? Llamenosl <br /> Is facilitating the planning for pars los condados Orange y <br /> LACE follow-up Focus Would you like to help Chatham. <br /> Groups in Robeson County. us organize this three <br /> day visit? Call usl Esti facilitando la planeacion <br /> LARC's Executive Direc- para la Fase LACE de <br /> for/Founder, Aura Camacho Grupos de Enfoque en LARC ofrece: seminarios, <br /> Maas,is now a member of the Robeson County. conferencias <br /> Board of Directors of the LARC offers: seminars, ,talleres de <br /> Leadership Triangle, Inc., conferences, cultural La Directora Ejecutiva- trabajo culturales para <br /> and member of the Commu- business workshops, Fundadora de LARC,Aura corporaciones, desarrollo <br /> nity Outreach Committee of curriculum development Camacho Maas es miembro de curriculum para <br /> for the public schools, escuelas publicas, <br /> the Raleigh Little Teathre. P de la Junta Directiva del ante, <br /> visual arts exhibits, Leadership Triangle,Inc., y exhibiciones de, <br /> Aura has been selected as a artistic performances, miembro del Community presentaciones artisticas y <br /> 'William C. Friday Fellow and so forth. Outreach Committee of the mucho masl <br /> for Human Relations' in the Raleigh Little Teathre. <br /> two-year state-wide <br /> Page 3 <br />