Agenda - 11-01-1995 - V-A
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 11-01-95
Agenda - 11-01-1995 - V-A
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1/9/2015 2:19:57 PM
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1/8/2015 2:02:07 PM
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Minutes - 19951101
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\1990's\1995
RES-1995-055 Resolution (with attachments) Authorizing the Town of Chapel Hill to Utilize the Landfill Reserve Fund to Purchase the Property Known as the Neville Tract
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\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\1990-1999\1995
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+ 3 <br /> A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE CARRBORO BOARD OF ALDERMEN AND THE CHAPEL HILL <br /> TOWN COUNCIL TO AUTHORIZE THE CHAPEL HILL TOWN MANAGER TO vTH IM THE <br /> LANDFILL RESERVE FUND - LAND RESERVE, TO PURCHASE THE PROPERTY KNOWN AS THE <br /> NEVILLE TRACT (TAX MAP REFERENCE: 7,18..22) ADJACENT TO THE SOUTH EUBANKS <br /> LANDFILL <br /> WHEREAS, there is the need for additional soil for landfill operations at the current landfall site; and <br /> WmREAS, there is a legal right of access for the Neville tract through the Greene tract; and <br /> WHEREAS, the public owns two tracts of land which are separated by the Neville tract, and <br /> WHEREAS, the purchase of the property known as the Neville tract would provide for the needed soil and <br /> remove the accsess easement across the Greene tract and join the 202 acre landfill site and the 168 acre Greene <br /> tract; and <br /> WHEREAS, ownership would be in proportion equal to that of the current landfill (Carrboro = 14 0, Chapel <br /> Hill — 43% and Orange County = 43%; and <br /> WHEREAS, it is not the intention of the Landfill Owners Group to use the Neville tract as a landfill or other <br /> solid waste processing facility; and <br /> WHEREAS, the Landfill Owners Group would provide buffers between the borrow area and the adjoining <br /> privately owned property to mitigate the effects of the soil removal on the adjoining properties, and <br /> WHEREAS, the Landfill Owners Group would develop a comprehensive site restoration plan for the borrow <br /> area; and <br /> WHEREAS, it is agreed that the purchase price will be $7,000 per acre, with the total to be determined by a <br /> survey prior to closing; and <br /> WHEREAS,the Landfill Owners Group will continue to work with the neighbors of the Neville tract to resolve <br /> twenty-two outstanding issues; and <br /> WHEREAS, it is agreed that the landfill staff will coordinate the preparation of the Special Use Permit <br /> application with a working group of Mrs. Gertrude Nunn, Judy Nunn Snipes, Roger Snipes, Ashley Nunn, <br /> Irving Nunn, Lamy Reid, and George Griffin and other affected citizens as needed; <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Landfill Owners Group that the Landfill Owners Group <br /> recommends to the governing boards that they approve resolutions authorizing the Town of Chapel Hill, as <br /> administrator for the landfill, to use Land Reserve funds to purchase the property known as the Neville tract, <br /> BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that any special use permit application for this property will be proposed in <br /> accordance with the attached recommendations to the Landfill Owners Group dated October 14, 1995. <br /> This the 25th day of October, 1945. <br />
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