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ATTACHMENT 1 <br /> The Plan - <br /> Overview and areas efficiently serviced by public utilities, <br /> services, and transit, avoiding strip development, <br /> This report has examined the environmental and 2) small-scale professional, commercial and <br /> conditions of the study area,established goals and service employers in low-intensity developments <br /> objectives for the area, and identified several designed to minimize conflicts with adjacent <br /> building blocks for various land use patterns that residential development. <br /> could be used in the Northwest Area. Building on <br /> these criteria, this section presents a long-range The development of an Employment Campus in <br /> plan for the Northwest Area. this area also supports the Comprehensive Plan's <br /> Economic Goals of promoting employment in <br /> In formulating the plan, the Work Group also areas central to major transportation systems,with <br /> considered three alternative plans for the area(see surrounding higher-intensity residential uses. In <br /> Appendix). The consideration of all four of these particular, the Comprehensive Plan supports such <br /> plans produced the final recommended plan. a mix of uses in the N.C. 86 and Interstate 40 <br /> area. <br /> The recommended plan combines all of the <br /> planning concept "building blocks": Protection of This Employment Campus land use represents a <br /> Existing Neighborhoods, Affordable Housing, new category that would be primarily <br /> Open Space, Greenways, the Village Pattern, the characterized by small-scale flex-space and office <br /> Employment Campus, and the option of a uses appropriate to the area. In particular, the <br /> Transportation Corridor. Campus would serve as a destination that would <br /> attract employees for the duration of the work <br /> The Recommended Plan day. <br /> One of the first steps in formulating a plan was This new land use will require a new zoning <br /> the protection of existing residential category that will promote well-designed, <br /> neighborhoods. In particular, the plan seeks to functional places of employment. Some <br /> protect the Northwood neighborhood and the secondary uses that may be considered as part of <br /> Rogers Road and Billabong Lane areas. the employment campus concept are service- <br /> oriented uses, research and development uses, <br /> Based on the fact that the northwest area contains and medical facilities. <br /> some of the little land left in Chapel Hill that is In keeping with the Town's adopted <br /> suitable for office, commercial or retail use, and Comprehensive Plan Goals, the plan reflects the <br /> considering that the area has easy access to an Town's existing mixed use land use on the land <br /> interstate interchange, an Employment Campus is east of N.C. 86 and north of Weaver Dairy Road. <br /> shown along Eubanks Road and Millhouse Road. Mixed Use zoning calls for a mix of commercial, <br /> The Employment Campus is intended to support office, and residential in this area. <br /> the Town's Comprehensive Plan Goal of Based on the large amount of commercial square <br /> encouraging a local economy characterized by footage (259,200 s.f.) that has been approved as <br /> varied scale and types of educational, research, part of the Chapel Hill North development, the <br /> professional, commercial and service activities. proximity of existing residential neighborhoods, <br /> In particular, the Comprehensive Plan suggests a and in support of the Town's Entranceway <br /> local economy including 1) office, institutional, Protection Goals, the plan reflects an Office- <br /> and commercial employers of small to medium Institutional land use for the lots at the southeast <br /> scale, located in conveniently accessible centers intersection of N.C. 86 and Weaver Dairy Road. <br /> Northwest Small Area Plan Page 35 <br />