Orange County NC Website
Revised 9/11/95 <br /> The Recommended Road Network Road A: This road is part of the Towns <br /> Thoroughfare Plan, extending west from the <br /> This report has utilized several building blocks intersection of Weaver Dairy Road and N.C. 86, <br /> enroute to developing a recommended conceptual and then curving south to intersect with <br /> land use plan for the Northwest Area. Building Homestead Road. A small portion of this road is <br /> on these criteria,this section presents a long-range being built as part of the Northwood V <br /> road network for the Northwest Area. subdivision. Depending upon the future plan for <br /> the Horace William tract, the road could <br /> In formulating the road network, the Work Group continue to extend southward to an intersection <br /> reviewed modeling data for both the road network with Estes Drive and/or Airport Road. <br /> and for transit ridership. The modeling <br /> assumptions used for this process are listed in the Road B: This road would provide an internal road <br /> Appendix, and the modeling data for the from the present railroad crossing of Mill House <br /> recommended conceptual land use plan is Road, southward to intersect Eubanks Road and <br /> included in the Projected Impacts section of this Road A. In particular, this road would move <br /> report. traffic away from the existing Mill House/Eubanks <br /> Road intersection that is next to the railroad <br /> The Conceptual Road Network Plan Map crossing. <br /> illustrates all of the local road network options <br /> that are being recommended for the Northwest Road CC: This road would provide access for the <br /> Area and are described as follows: internal land parcels to Eubanks Road, Road A, <br /> and N.C. 86. The option would also exists to <br /> provide access from residents on Purefoy Road to <br /> LEGEND Road C. <br /> =RA m ROAD NETWORK Road D: This road would provide access for <br /> internal land parcels to Road C ;ssitt# Homestead <br /> 111111111 TRANSPORTATION CORRIDOR Road. and Seawell Seheel Readd. <br /> Road E: This road would provide access from <br /> VILLAGE CENTER internal land parcels to Weaver Dairy Road. <br /> OTRANSPORTATION CORRIDOR Road F: This road would provide access from <br /> ACCESS POINTS internal land parcels to Weaver Dairy Road and <br /> N.C. 86, and would also permit transit access to <br /> 10 DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE the Northern Community Park. <br /> 6 DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE <br /> _ 4 DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE "G"• This letter designation indicates that <br /> • 2 DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE intersection improvements are needed to maintain <br /> traffic efficiency is this area. The N.C. 86/Eubanks <br /> 1 DWELLING UNIT PER ACRE Road/ Interstate 40 intersection will require <br /> EMPLOYMENT CAMPUS extensive study and innovative solutions to <br /> alleviate existing and future intersection problems. <br /> MIXED USE Currently, this intersection is under study by the <br /> OFFICE / INSTITUTIONAL North Carolina Department of Transportation <br /> (NCDOT). <br /> ® AREAS TO BE PRESERVED <br /> GREENE PARK <br /> Northwest Small Area Plan Page 39 <br />