Orange County NC Website
Comprehensive Planning <br /> in the Northwest Small Area • Identify areas to be protected from <br /> development while also determining those <br /> The Town's Comprehensive Planning process is a areas suitable for development. <br /> continuing effort, with the Town having most • Set forth guidelines for the land that is ' <br /> recently adopted Comprehensive Plans in 1977 suitable for development. <br /> and 1989. The three small areas that the Council - <br /> selected for further study represent part of this • Describe transportation systems that will <br /> continuing comprehensive planning process. In support development. <br /> particular, these small areas are a part of the <br /> Town's projected urban services area. • Suggest a network of green space and <br /> The small area plans provide the opportunity for adequate public facilities. <br /> the community, the Small Area Plan Work Group, The Northwest Small Area Plan becomes a vital <br /> and the Town Council to consciously reflect on extension of the Comprehensive Plan when one <br /> and consider(1)the environmental constraints and considers the increasing residential and <br /> special characteristics of an area, (2) conditions commercial growth pressures in this area, the <br /> that have changed or will be changing in the near potential development of the University's Horace <br /> future, and (3) the essential values of Chapel Hill. Williams tract, and the forthcoming closing of the <br /> Once the goals of the Comprehensive Plan are existing landfill. These and other changing <br /> conditions support the value of the Northwest <br /> considered and applied in the context of the Small Area Plan as an integral part of the Town's <br /> Northwest Small Area, the small area plan <br /> becomes a document with a long range "vision" ongoing Comprehensive Planning Process. <br /> to: <br /> Picture To Be Inserted <br /> Page 6 Northwest Small Area Plan <br />