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Pedestrian /Bikeway Light Rail Transit <br /> A trail could be developed that would facilitate Light rail transit requires the construction of <br /> pedestrian movement. In addition, a bikeway overhead power wires, although the vehicles can <br /> could be developed that would have the operate on both streets and on existing railroad <br /> opportunity to access Chapel Hill High School, tracks. Vehicles are electrically powered, and <br /> Seawell School, the Horace Williams tract, and each vehicle can carry approximately twice as <br /> the downtown area. In particular, a bikeway many people as a bus. Light rail vehicles can <br /> following the rail line to the University's Power operate in trains of two to five cars. Transit stops <br /> Plant on Cameron Avenue could be connected to can be as close as one-half mile apart. Operations <br /> the existing Carrboro bikeway that ends at the rail are more complicated and more expensive for <br /> line on Cameron Avenue. light rail transit than for bus systems, however. <br /> Busway A self-propelled rail vehicle is a hybrid between <br /> light rail vehicles and buses, although it can not <br /> A busway could be constructed by putting down travel on roadways. The vehicle uses a diesel <br /> a strip of pavement beside the existing rail engine to drive steel wheels on standard rail line. <br /> corridor. This new structure would be reserved Unlike light rail vehicles, diesel vehicles do not <br /> for buses only. Ordinary Chapel Hill Transit need overhead wires for power, thus eliminating <br /> buses could use this system. This system is significant expenses. <br /> flexible because the buses can run on regular <br /> streets on either end of the busway. The primary Each vehicle can carry up to one and one-half <br /> cost would be the construction of the paved times as many people as a bus, and can operate in <br /> "busway." trains of up to three vehicles. To support <br /> acceptable travel times however, transit stops are <br /> Guided Busway usually at least three miles apart. <br /> A guided busway is similar to a regular busway; Summary <br /> however, the modified buses can either use <br /> existing railroad tracks or adedicated right-of-way. The "transportation corridor" concept would <br /> Guided buses travel under mechanical or revolve around using one or more of these four <br /> electrical guidance, and therefore operate more alternatives in coordination with the existing rail <br /> safely and comfortably at higher speeds than line right-of-way. <br /> conventional busways. <br /> The implementation of any of these transportation <br /> The vehicles for a guided busway are standard corridor alternatives would require the <br /> buses that have been modified to incorporate a development of an agreement with Norfolk- <br /> guidance system. These buses can still operate as Southern Railroad regarding the use of the rail <br /> regular buses at either end of the busway. line. Presently, the rail line has a right-of-way of <br /> approximately 100 feet. <br /> Page 34 Northwest Small Area Plan <br />