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Open space plays an essential role in the Village Pattern <br /> character of the Town of Chapel Hill, helping to <br /> preserve the ecological balance and The term "village pattern" describes the type of <br /> environmental quality of both the natural and built urban development that is based on neo- <br /> environment, while also providing opportunities traditional development patterns that were <br /> for recreation and relaxation, education and common throughout the country in the first half of <br /> aesthetic enjoyment. In general,open space helps this century. The early towns were often built on <br /> to relieve urbanized areas by providing quiet a grid pattern around a town center containing <br /> natural areas for public benefit. open space, shops, and offices. Residences were <br /> often built within walking distance of other uses, <br /> In Chapel Hill, developers are required to set and thus people were not dependent on cars for <br /> aside portions of their residential developments for every activity. <br /> open space. Payments-in-lieu can also be used to <br /> set aside money from small developments in order In particular, the village center is the heart of the <br /> to purchase larger tracts of open space for use by community, providing the opportunity for a <br /> these and other developments. choice of services and activities for families that <br /> live within and near the village. The design and <br /> By including open space as an integral part of atmosphere of the center should be in harmony <br /> development, the quality of both the natural and with its surroundings, and its intent is to be a <br /> built environments can be maintained as place for people. The village center should be of <br /> development occurs. a scale of life reminiscent of small town America, <br /> ideally based on a grid-pattern of streets and <br /> Greenways pedestrian pathways. <br /> The term "Greenways" is generally used to The focal point of the village center should be a <br /> describe a network of public lands and trails that centralized core area with a mix of uses, including <br /> usually follow major perennial streams. stores and shops for day-to-day needs of the <br /> residents - a small food store, drug store, bakery, <br /> Greenways provide many benefits to the gift shop, beauty and barber shops, and other <br /> community. They protect delicate floodplains and stores limited in size and number to balance the <br /> areas with steep and unstable slopes. Greenways requirements of village dwellers and visitors. <br /> also preserve trees and other vegetation that can Small professional offices and residential uses <br /> reduce the threat of flooding, lower noise should be an integral part of the core area, such <br /> pollution, provide vegetative buffers between as apartments and/or offices above shops. <br /> neighborhoods, and help preserve the natural <br /> beauty of the Town. Adjacent to the village center core area could be <br /> a small medical clinic, churches, a library branch, <br /> Greenways can also provide a natural and a village hall - a multipurpose building with <br /> transportation system within the Town for a small auditorium, stage, and possibly a center <br /> pedestrians and, in some cases, bicyclists. As the for young people, as well as additional space to <br /> Town acquires sufficient land and easements, accommodate a variety of adult activities. <br /> opportunities arise to construct trails along <br /> greenway corridors. These trails can provide In the village center, within a few hundred feet of <br /> pedestrian access --between different parking and bus stops and conveniently connected <br /> neighborhoods, and to shopping centers, parks, to the village open space and pedestrian walkway <br /> recreation centers, and schools. Greenway trails systems,the residents should have the opportunity <br /> can also serve as a public benefit by providing to shop for the family groceries, fill a prescription, <br /> opportunities for jogging, hiking, or nature study. visit a doctor, attend church, hear a lecture, select <br /> a book from the library, or meet a child following <br /> an extracurricular activity at the village hall. <br /> Northwest Small Area Plan Page 31 <br />