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Planning Concepts <br /> Building Blocks Affordable Housing <br /> Several planning concepts have been discussed as According to the Town's adopted Comprehensive <br /> possible "building blocks" for various land use Plan, the Town's Housing Goal is"the availability <br /> patterns that could be pursued in the Northwest of safe, sanitary, decent, well-designed and <br /> Area. These concepts represent existing ideas that affordable housing for all of its citizens." <br /> have been successful elsewhere in Chapel Hill, as <br /> well as new ideas that could be applied in the In particular the Town "seeks to ensure that at <br /> northwest study area. These "building blocks" are least 10% of the dwelling units in Chapel Hill be <br /> not mutually exclusive; rather they could be affordable to very low and low income <br /> mixed and matched to fit the goals and objectives households." The Town's Comprehensive Plan <br /> for the area. defines low income as 50%-80% of the median <br /> income. Very low income is defined as less than <br /> Protection of Existing Neighborhoods 50% of the median income. <br /> Although a large portion of the Northwest Area is In pursuit of promoting affordable housing, the <br /> undeveloped, there are several significant Comprehensive Plan sets the goal that developers <br /> neighborhoods that have been established in this of new residential developments shall be <br /> area for several years. In particular, the encouraged to provide 15% of their units at prices <br /> Northwood subdivision, and the Rogers Road and affordable to low and moderate income <br /> Billabong lane areas represent existing households. In addition, the Plan also sets the <br /> neighborhoods that require special consideration goal that the Town shall acquire land for the <br /> if they are to be protected from the effects of development of affordable housing. <br /> future development and possible gentrification <br /> (the process by which older housing stock is By including affordable housing as a component <br /> purchased, refurbished, and then sold at a higher of the Northwest Area Plan, the Plan supports the <br /> price). Town's Comprehensive Plan by working to <br /> develop a supply of decent, affordable housing <br /> Any plan for this area will need to consider that is adequate to meet the housing needs of a <br /> special approaches to protect these racially and economically diverse Chapel Hill. <br /> neighborhoods. Some approaches that may be <br /> considered are locating buffers so as to protect Open Space <br /> existing neighborhoods from nearby development, <br /> placing similar residential land uses adjacent to The term "open space" is generally defined as <br /> existing neighborhoods, and using Community vacant land that has been designated for a specific <br /> Development Funds and other programs of the purpose. That purpose is quite commonly <br /> U.S. Department of Housing and Urban environmental preservation (wetlands, watershed <br /> Development to assist lower-income protection, sensitive plant and animal habitats), <br /> neighborhoods where repairs and/or renovations enhancement of community character (river and <br /> may be needed to help protect homeowners from stream corridors, entranceway corridors), or <br /> the possibility of gentrification. recreational opportunities. <br /> By incorporating this planning concept, the Recreational usage includes both active uses such <br /> Northwest Area Plan can protect existing as play grounds, ball fields, and parks,and passive <br /> neighborhoods while providing a plan for the uses such as picnic areas, greenways, and nature <br /> eventual development of the undeveloped areas. trails. <br /> Page 30 Northwest Small Area Plan <br />