Orange County NC Website
Mixed Use/office (81) <br /> Landfill (214) <br /> Residential (266) <br /> Land Uses in the <br /> Northwest Area <br /> (Acres) Government(107) <br /> Total Land Area — 1,683 Acres <br /> Undeveloped (1,015) <br /> Chapel Hill North Mixed Use Development plan which recommends that the Greene tract not <br /> be used for a future landfill. <br /> A Master Land Use Plan for the Chapel Hill North <br /> development has been adopted for the 40 acre Horace Williams Tract <br /> parcel of land occupying the southeast quadrant of <br /> the N.C. 86 / Interstate 40 interchange. This Immediately south of Homestead Road and the <br /> Master Land Use Plan calls for a mixed use northwest study area is the University of North <br /> development, with the primary land uses being Carolina's Horace Williams tract. This tract <br /> office (60%) and commercial (40%). consists of 965 acres, and is in both Chapel Hill's <br /> and Carrboro's planning jurisdiction. The rail line <br /> The Town Council has granted a Special Use that runs through the northwest area also runs <br /> Permit for Phase 1 of the Chapel Hill North through the Horace Williams tract. The rail line <br /> development, and construction began in March ends at the University's Power Plant on Cameron <br /> 1994. Avenue. The University is presently conducting a <br /> planning process for this tract. <br /> Orange County Regional Landfill <br /> The Horace Williams Airport is currently located <br /> The Orange County Regional Landfill operates off in the southeast corner of the tract (north of Estes <br /> of Eubanks Road, west of the railroad tracks. The Drive Extension), and occupies 227 acres. The <br /> landfill occupies about 202 acres, of which University currently leases a small portion of the <br /> approximately 60 acres is used for landfill tract to the Chapel Hill Public Works and <br /> purposes. This existing landfill is estimated to Transportation Departments. <br /> remain open until the year 2003. <br /> Duke Forest <br /> Greene Tract <br /> The Blackwood Division of Duke Forest is <br /> A relatively large lot in the center of the area, adjacent to the northwest corner of the study area. <br /> known as the Greene tract, is owned jointly by The Duke Forest lands are owned by Duke <br /> the Town of Chapel Hill, the Town of Carrboro, University, and are used for various scientific and <br /> and Orange County. The 169-acre tract was ecological studies. A portion of the Blackwood <br /> originally purchased as a future landfill site. The Division of Duke Forest (Site 17), is one of four <br /> Greene tract, however, is not one of the final four sites under consideration for the new Orange <br /> selected sites, as chosen by the Landfill Search County landfill. Duke University opposes the <br /> Committee. The Work Group has developed a selection of this site as a potential landfill. <br /> Northwest Small Area Plan Page 27 <br />