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Environmental Analysis <br /> Existing Conditions of the Area • The area contains some of the very few <br /> industrial sites in Chapel Hill (United <br /> The following series of maps describes the natural Parcel Services - UPS). <br /> and man-made features of the area as it is today. <br /> This information and these maps serve as the base • The land with the most severe building <br /> upon which the Recommended Plan was constraints in this area is the land adjacent <br /> developed. to the stream beds and those areas that <br /> have shallow depth to groundwater. <br /> Environmental Analysis • A primary ridge meanders from east to <br /> The area contains a few sensitive natural west, separating the area into the New <br /> environment areas. In particular, the Old Field Hope drainage basin to the north, and the <br /> Creek and its tributaries drain north towards New Bolin/Booker drainage basins to the south. <br /> Hope Creek. Bolin Creek and its tributaries drain • The southern portion of this area drains to <br /> to the southwest, while Booker Creek and its <br /> tributaries drain to the southeast. the southeast and southwest, making it <br /> possible to provide gravity sewer to this <br /> Most of the Northwest area contains slopes of less portion of the area with orderly extensions <br /> than 5 percent, making it quite unlike the rest of to the existing gravity systems. <br /> Chapel Hill. The steeper slopes (5 to 15 percent) • The northern portion of this area drains to <br /> are mainly along the edges of the major streams. <br /> Slopes in excess of 15 percent are relatively the north and will require a pump station <br /> isolated, and exist primarily at the intersection of in order to provide sewer service to this <br /> portion of the area. <br /> Old Field Creek and 1-40. <br /> In terms of soil suitability, most of the area has • The area is crossed by three power line <br /> few or only moderate constraints. A strip in the rights-of-way that converge at a sub-station <br /> center of the site has moderate to severe on the south side of Eubanks Road. <br /> constraints for building because the depth to • This area has easy access to a major <br /> groundwater is less than one foot. The numerous interstate interchange that provides <br /> creek beds also create constraints to building. <br /> regional and statewide access to the area. <br /> Summary of Major Findings • The area is bisected from north to south <br /> In summary, the analysis found that the study area by a rail line. <br /> has the following primary characteristics: In conclusion, because the land in the Northwest <br /> • The large amount of land with less than Area is largely undeveloped, a good opportunity <br /> g exists for the Town to undertake long range <br /> 10% slopes make this area unique in planning for this area. <br /> Chapel Hill. <br /> • The large amount of land with only minor <br /> building constraints suggests a wide range <br /> of development possibilities for the area. <br /> Northwest Small Area Plan Page 1l <br />