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is adjacent to the study area. The Mill is a small, development of a future Town Park. Ballfields <br /> one and one-half story building located beside a and a Community Center are eventually proposed <br /> mill pond and unnamed creek that is a tributary of to be a part of this site. The park also includes a <br /> Old Field Creek. The residence was originally Public Housing component, as a development of <br /> built between 1910-1912 by Eugene Blackwood's 12 duplexes opened in the fall of 1993. • <br /> father. The structure was converted to a rental <br /> residence in the 1950s. The Timberlyne Shopping Center development is <br /> located near the intersection of N.C. 86 and - <br /> Modern History Weaver Dairy Road. Construction on the <br /> shopping center began in the early 1980s, and a <br /> The recent history of the area is characterized by second phase was built in the late 1980s. In the <br /> retail/commercial growth, and the construction of early 1990s, several outparcels were developed, <br /> the Orange County Regional Landfill. The Orange including a large office building for the Home <br /> County Regional landfill on Eubanks Road was Health Agency. Although the shopping center is <br /> purchased in 1972, and is owned jointly by not within the study area, it is adjacent to the <br /> Orange County (43%), Chapel Hill (43%), and eastern portion of the area, and it is the primary <br /> Carrboro (14%). By agreement of the three retail/commercial site serving the study area. <br /> jurisdictions, the Chapel Hill Public Works <br /> Department manages the landfill. The Town Council approved a master land use <br /> plan for the Chapel Hill North development in <br /> The regional landfill consists of 203 acres that are January 1990. The development is located at the <br /> bisected into two portions by Eubanks Road. The southeast intersection of N.C. 86 and Interstate 40. <br /> larger portion of the landfill that is north of <br /> Eubanks Road is presently in operation. The The Chapel Hill North site is zoned for Mixed <br /> remainder of the landfill that is south of Eubanks Use development. This type of development is <br /> Road is presently under construction. It is designed to encourage a mix of office, retail, and <br /> anticipated that the landfill will continue in residential development, with office use being the <br /> operation until 2002 or 2003. primary component. This land use is intended to <br /> be pedestrian-friendly and oriented towards the <br /> In 1984, the Orange Regional Landfill Owners Town's needs, rather than traffic traveling on <br /> Group (representing Chapel Hill, Carrboro, and Interstate 40. The approved Chapel Hill North <br /> Orange County) purchased a 169-acre parcel Mixed Use development contains a mix of 60% <br /> known as the "Greene Tract." This parcel, which office and 40% retail; there is no residential <br /> is located southeast of the present landfill, was element. In 1991, a special use permit was <br /> purchased to serve as a future landfill. Based on approved for Phase I of the project. <br /> the regulation that landfills are not permitted <br /> within 10,000 feet of airports using jet-powered Sources: <br /> aircraft, the State Division of Solid Waste <br /> determined that the Greene Tract would not be Lefler, Hugh & Paul Wager, eds. Orange County <br /> permitted to serve as a landfill site as long as the 1752-1952. The Orange Printshop, 1952. <br /> Horace Williams Airport remains in operation. <br /> Colonial and U.S. Census Reports 1770-1920 <br /> Locally, concern exists about a new landfill being Schedule 4, Production of Agriculture in <br /> located in Chapel Hill's future corporate limits. First District of Orange County, 1850- <br /> Presently, the final four potential new landfill sites 1890. <br /> under consideration by the Landfill Search Population Schedules 1770-1920 <br /> Committee do not include the Greene tract. Slave Schedules <br /> The Town of Chapel Hill purchased the Maddry Orange County Property Deeds 1750-1920 <br /> property on the west side of N.C. 86 for the <br /> Page 8 Northwest Small Area Plan <br />