Agenda - 10-02-1995 - IX-A
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 10-02-95
Agenda - 10-02-1995 - IX-A
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1/7/2015 2:43:35 PM
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1/7/2015 2:43:28 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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3 <br /> One of the most important aspects of the service quality study is to <br /> identify gaps, if any, between what employees think citizens will say <br /> they receive in terms of service quality in various dimensions; what <br /> citizens say they receive in those dimensions; and what citizens say <br /> they expect to receive in those dimensions . The larger purpose of the <br /> service quality study will be served by identifying, examining , and <br /> implementing organizational changes that can close those gaps in the <br /> future. Given the complexity of this project , and depending on the <br /> time needed to complete the efficiency/innovation review phase, <br /> the Manager recommends that a minimum of 12-18 months be allotted for <br /> completion of the service quality study. <br /> Citizen Committees <br /> The Manager recommends that the Board appoint two separate committees, <br /> that could potentially meet together on several occasions (on an as <br /> needed basis ) to share information that might be beneficial to the work <br /> of the other committee. The Manager recommends that the Board include <br /> a number of employee representatives on the committees to assist the <br /> citizen appointees in gaining a broader perspective of how Orange <br /> County departments currently conduct business . One approach would be <br /> for the Board to appoint two 15 member committees, with 9 citizen <br /> appointees designated by the Board and 6 employees ( representing a <br /> cross-section of 2 first-line workers , 2 supervisors, and 2 department <br /> heads ) designated by the Manager . Selected staff from the Manager' s <br /> Office, Budget, and Personnel would provide staff support to the <br /> committees throughout the process. <br /> Part of the charge to the committees should be to develop specific <br /> definitions of the terms "innovation" , "cost savings" , "efficiency" <br /> and "service quality" as these pertain to this study effort. The Board <br /> should also consider defining the scope of the review expected of the <br /> committees . The Manager recommends that the committees pursue their <br /> reviews from a broad perspective, and that the efficiency committee <br /> particularly limit its focus on the line-item level of detail . A <br /> major part of the focus should also be on how resources or priorities <br /> could be redirected, rather than on specifically reducing service <br /> levels . <br /> The Board may wish to consider making appointments to the citizen <br /> committees at this meeting, or postpone that portion of the decision <br /> process to the next regular meeting on October 17 . Staff is prepared <br /> to begin work immediately with the Institute of Government consultants , <br /> consistent with the Board' s direction. <br /> RECOMMENDATION: The Manager recommends that the Board discuss the <br /> proposed course of action for a two-pronged review of efficiency, cost <br /> savings, and innovation opportunities , and of customer service quality; <br /> and provide appropriate direction to the Manager and staff for <br /> beginning this effort. <br />
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