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COMMENTS/OBSERVATIONS ABOUT LAND TRANSFER TAX FROM <br />LOCAL REVENUE OPTIONS EDUCATION ADVISORY COMNIITTEE MEETING <br />February 28, 2008 <br />The following list records various points raised and discussed during the February 28 Committee <br />meeting regarding potential elements of and approaches to the public information effort for the May 6 <br />land transfer tax (LTT) referendum. The Committee did not attempt to reach consensus or provide <br />specifzc recommendations at this meeting. Rather, this document is intended to serve a similar purpose <br />for the Board of Commissioners, as did the Committee's initial report on Februaryl4 that provided <br />pros/cons/observations about the local revenue options available to the County. <br />^ Consider "Southern Neighbor" as a newspaper to publish in (circulated in Northern Chatham and <br />Southern Orange); also The Independent and The Daily Tarheel <br />^ Speakers' Bureau should be a useful vehicle for covering the land transfer tax topic <br />^ Some concern about whether community civic groups, clubs, etc will meet often enough to be <br />able to take advantage of using the Speakers' Bureau; need to develop initial versions of public <br />information so clubs can pick up speakers during their April meeting cycles <br />^ Expectation that there will not be any organized effort funded in support of the LTT, that there is <br />already organized opposition, and that will put this Committee in a tough position <br />^ Maybe different points of emphasis and different amounts of information in different <br />educational materials, depending on what type of media is being used <br />^ One of biggest challenges is explaining why the County is doing this and getting across what the <br />alternatives are; not just because the State is allowing counties to do this, but long term why the <br />County is doing this <br />^ Need succinct, factually based answers to these kinds of questions <br />^ As soon as you mention the word "tax", nobody wants new taxes in any form or manner; many <br />long-time residents in northern part of the County have said the Board should lower expenses <br />not increase revenues <br />^ If somebody has that viewpoint, that's a perfectly legitimate viewpoint for people to have; this <br />group needs to share factual information and let people and groups. make their own informed <br />choice about whether they will vote "yes" or "no" on this; some people, for lots of legitimate <br />reasons - "this isn't the right time, this isn't the right tax, I'm not convinced of the additional <br />revenue needs" -will not support this; others will support it because they have the opposite view <br />of all that; this group's role is to give people the best possible, most factual information available <br />and let them make their choice <br />^ With regard to who will speak on behalf of this, there's no prohibition on Commissioners saying <br />they support this, they think people ought to vote for it for these reasons <br />^ Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) list is a living, breathing document that will evolve because <br />people at community meetings will ask great questions the group hasn't thought of, and those <br />should be added to the FAQ list <br />^ Group's earlier pros and cons list gives a lot of the questions and answers <br />^ Thomas Mills (friend of Committee Member Kathie Young) is a media consultant in Carrboro <br />who spoke with Committee Chair Mark Peters; he estimated that if you want to do TV, radio, <br />and direct mail in the timeframe we've got, you're looking at an investment of $75,000 - <br />$100,000; he indicated a willingness to work with the group whether the County hires him or <br />not; regardless of how much the Commissioners decide to spend he could give feedback; given <br />the timeframe, if the County spends $15,00-$25,000, the public wouldn't really be educated on <br />the topic; he explains that media consultants make their income, for example, of 15% on certain <br />