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2 <br />on February 28 to begin its work on the educational effort related specifically to the land transfer <br />tax question on the May 6 ballot. Proposed alternative approaches to this undertaking, <br />reflecting both Committee and staff input, will be provided under separate cover prior to the <br />Board's March 6 meeting. Background materials on sample print and radio advertising rates are <br />included as attachments to this abstract. <br />The Board has previously discussed the roles of education versus advocacy in the period <br />leading up to the May 6 referendum. The Committee's role is specifically one of education. The <br />Committee's collective efforts, and public funds to be spent on the education campaign, will be <br />directed to presenting factual information that voters can use to make an informed choice on <br />May 6. Any efforts by private parties or groups to advocate for or against passage of the local <br />transfer tax revenue option will have to be funded from private sources. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: There was no funding for a public education campaign on local revenue <br />options included in the original 2007-08 Orange County Budget, as the North Carolina General <br />Assembly did not enact the enabling legislation until after the County's 2007-08 budget <br />ordinance was adopted. Funding for whatever level of education effort the Board may decide to <br />pursue will need to come from an appropriation from fund balance, the reallocation of existing <br />2007-08 appropriations, or some combination of both. <br />As points of reference, the County spent $16,625 in FY 2001-02 for the voter education effort <br />related to the November 2001 bond referenda for school and County capital projects. The <br />County spent $12,453 in FY 2006-07 for the voter education effort related to the November <br />2006 election regarding changes to the structure and mefihod for voting for the Orange County <br />Board of Commissianers. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board: <br />1. review and discuss the background materials outlining alternative .approaches to the <br />voter education campaign related to the land transfer tax referendum; <br />2. provide direction to the Manager and staff regarding its desired approach to the voter <br />education campaign; <br />3. establish snot-to-exceed budget figure for the education campaign within which it wants <br />the Manager, staff, and Committee to operate; and <br />4. direct staff to prepare a budget amendment for the Board's approval at the March 18, <br />2008 regular meeting that will appropriate from fund balance in the General Fund the <br />money needed to carry out the education campaign approach selected by the Board of <br />Commissioners. <br />