Orange County NC Website
EXHIBIT A <br /> Legal Description <br /> HILLSBOROUGH COMMONS SHOPPING CENTER <br /> Being all that tract or parcel of land lying in Hillsborough Township, Orange County, <br /> Hillsborough, North Carolina and being more particularly described as follows; <br /> Beginning at a point in the westerly margin of the new right-of-way of N.C, Secondary Road No. <br /> 1192, said point being located at the intersection of the northerly boundary of the property of <br /> Delmar M. Brown (now or formerly) as described in Book 207 at Page 399 of the Orange <br /> County Registry with said westerly margin of said new right-of-way; thence from the point of <br /> beginning with a boundary of the property of Delmar M. Brown(now or formerly) N 87-34-07 <br /> W 908.78 feet to a concrete monument, said monument being a corner of the property of Delmar <br /> M. Brown (now or formerly), and the property of Mrs- Lazy Lloyd(now or formerly); thence <br /> with boundaries of the properties of Mrs. Gary Lloyd(now or formerly), CCLC.Development <br /> Group (now or formerly) as described in Book 655, Page 389 of the Orange County Registry, <br /> and Geraldine McKel (now or formerly) as described in Book 216, Page 86 of the Orange <br /> County Registry N 05-12-30 E 840.67 feet to a point,said point being in the line of the property <br /> of Geraldine McKel (now or formerly), thence with the property of Geraldine McKel(now or <br /> formerly)and with a line of the property of Lethea S. Sawyer(now or formerly)as described in <br /> Book 99 at Page 186 of the Orange County Registry N 88-01-42 E 391.79 a point in the <br /> westerly margin of the new right-of-way of N.C. Secondary Road No. 1192; thence-with the <br /> westerly margin of said new right-of-way S 30-0034 E 233.05 feet to a point;thence continuing <br /> with said right-of-way with the are of a circular curve to the right.having a radius of 1225.13 feet <br /> (which curve is subtended by a chord bearing S 26-07-22 E for a distance of 91.80 feet) an arc <br /> distance of 91.82 feet to a point in the northerly boundary of the property of Edward E. Norris <br /> (now or formerly)as described in Book 251,Page 1062 of the Orange County Registry; thence <br /> with the boundaries of the property of Edward E. Norris(now or formerly) the following three <br /> (3)courses and distances: (1)S 6344-11 W 2.18.59 feet to an existing iron pipe; (2)S 26-11-24 <br /> E 149.86 feet to an existing iron pipe,and(3)N 63-45 02 E 203.53 feet to an existing iron pipe <br /> in the westerly margia of the new right-of way of N. C. Secondary Road No. 1192; thence with <br /> the westerly margin of the said new right-of-way the.following four (4) courses and distances; <br /> (1)with the arc of a circular curve to the right having a radius of 1225.13 feet(which curve is <br /> subtended by a chord.bearing S 16-24-45 E for a distance of 22.12 feet) an arc distance of 22.12 <br /> feet to a point; (2)S 15-25-53 E 192.52 feet to a point; (3)with the arc of a circular curve to the <br /> left having a radius of 434.51 feet.(which curve is subtended by a chord bearing S 29-26-34 E for <br /> a distance of 231.41 feet)an arc distance of 234.24 feet to a point; and(4) S 47-59-28 E-78.63 <br /> feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. <br /> Containing approximately 11.8230 acres as shown on ALTA/ACSM Land Title Survey prepared <br /> by Henley Surveying and Mapping Company,dated December 9, 1996(rob No. 948). y <br /> 20380644 <br />