Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID:A4C366A3-F5D9-473B-9218-AF49BCCA02E0 <br /> III. Qualifications <br /> 1. Broker shall be located in North Carolina; licensed by and in good standing with <br /> the State of North Carolina Department of Insurance; licenses shall be for all <br /> lines of insurance applicable to a municipality's exposure. <br /> 2. Broker shall be sufficiently experienced in all insurance lines and risk <br /> management services to provide expert, efficient, effective and reliable services <br /> to the County. <br /> 3. Broker shall have extensive and continuous relationships with the insurance <br /> markets necessary to provide the County with superior insurance alternatives <br /> that meet the County's needs and are favorably priced relative to the risk and <br /> current market. Broker shall have access to and will obtain coverage from <br /> carriers with experience providing insurance coverage to public entities. <br /> 4. Broker shall provide continuity of services, by assigning a primary broker and a <br /> back-up broker who will be: <br /> a. Knowledgeable in the principles and practices of enterprise risk <br /> management and specifically risk financing for public entities <br /> b. Familiar with the County as a risk <br /> c. Accessible to the County on short notice <br /> d. Thoroughly knowledgeable and competent in insurance alternatives in <br /> order to provide superior services to the County and <br /> e. Knowledgeable in loss control and claim management services and best <br /> practices. <br /> 5. Broker shall maintain the highest integrity in business relationships and practices <br /> and shall make full and time disclosure to the County of any conflicts of interest <br /> or dual relationships (For example: Ownership in a TPA, Carrier, etc.). Broker <br /> shall become familiar with state statutes regarding gifts and favors for public <br /> officers and employees, and shall adhere to those standards in the conduct of <br /> County business. <br /> 6. Broker shall be insured by general liability, vehicle liability, professional errors <br /> and omissions, and workers' compensation; Broker shall be responsible for all <br /> employer taxes and social security due to the state and federal governments; <br /> Broker shall be responsible for all funds handled by Broker on behalf of the <br /> County, and shall carry a fidelity bond/crime coverage sufficient to cover any <br /> losses of this nature; Broker shall not sub-contract without prior written <br /> permission of the County. <br /> 7. Broker shall have the capability of working with the County to evaluate the <br /> current plan of insurance policies and to recommend appropriate or <br /> advantageous changes. Broker will have the ability and commitment to provide <br /> the County with renewal placements in a timely manner, conducive to the <br /> County's internal time requirements and maintenance of coverage. Broker will <br /> secure and provide AM Best ratings of every carrier for which a coverage <br /> proposal is sent. <br /> 8. Broker shall maintain office hours consistent with the County's core business <br /> hours (M-F 8:00 AM — 5:00 PM) and be available for emergent consultation after <br />