Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID:238DOBA9-DBFD-4DF9-AOE8-47555B615341 <br /> 3. Proposed Use of Grant Funds <br /> The North Carolina Symphony will perform hour-long education concerts for approximately 900 <br /> elementary students from Orange County Schools and Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools in Spring 2015. <br /> To accommodate scheduling requirements of the local schools, students will attend one of four concerts <br /> with the full orchestra, all of which will take place in Meymandi Concert Hall in Raleigh.The concert <br /> dates are February 26, March 4, April 21 and April 30, 2015. <br /> Sarah Gilpin, the North Carolina Symphony Director of Education, collaborates with local teachers and <br /> school administrators around the state to develop the Symphony's music education curriculum. Based <br /> on the question, "What makes music, MUSIC?,'the education concert leads students through the six <br /> components of music: rhythm, dynamics, texture,tempo, form, and melody. Led by one of the <br /> Symphony's engaging conductors, the concert is both as entertaining as it is educational.Through <br /> interactive lesson plans (included in the teacher's workbook),fun music games and puzzles,teachers <br /> prepare students in advance of the concerts illustrating these components. Students also participate in a <br /> sing-along with the orchestra.This year's sing-along piece is"When Johnny Comes Marching Home," an <br /> American Civil War folk song arranged for voice and orchestra by Terry Mizesko. <br /> The Symphony's music education concerts are a significant contribution to the arts education curriculum <br /> in public schools. For a nominal fee the Symphony provides teachers with detailed curriculum guides and <br /> students receive handbooks that include biographies of the featured composers, background on their <br /> compositions, and general information about the orchestra (see enclosed student guide).The education <br /> concert program and corresponding curriculum support the NC Standard Course of Study. The education <br /> curriculum provides students with valuable tools such as counting and storytelling that enhance their <br /> learning in other core subjects, including math and writing. <br /> The demographics of the approximately 900 elementary students to be served are: 61%Caucasian, 20% <br /> African-American, 10% Hispanic, and 9%Asian; 49%female and 51% male. Approximately 30% percent <br /> of the students served are eligible for free or reduced lunch. * <br /> * Source: based on data from the NC Department of Education. <br /> 2 <br />