2014-589-E Arts - The ArtsCenter for 2014 Arts Grant Agreement $1,500
Board of County Commissioners
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General Contracts and Agreements
2014-589-E Arts - The ArtsCenter for 2014 Arts Grant Agreement $1,500
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5/22/2017 11:48:56 AM
Creation date
12/22/2014 2:53:13 PM
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R 2014-589 Arts - The ArtsCenter for 2014 Arts Grants Agreements
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DocuSign Envelope ID: ECE511A0- 1745 - 4353- 8DDA- 483D182AA9FD <br />A. Implementation. The Project implementation shall take place between January 1, <br />2015 and December 31, 2015. The Project shall be implemented in the manner <br />described in Exhibit A. Time is of the essence in the implementation of the <br />Project. <br />B. Modifications to project. Grant Recipient shall present major changes to the <br />original proposal, including but not limited to changes in design, implementation <br />schedule and increase in Project budget by more than 10 %, in writing to the Arts <br />Commission for approval. Arts Commission shall approve or disapprove Grant <br />Recipient's request for modifications within seven (7) days of receipt thereof. <br />Consent to project modifications shall not be unreasonably withheld. Arts <br />Commission's decisions shall be in writing. In the event the Arts Commission <br />fails to approve or disapprove the requested modifications within the time stated <br />herein, the modifications shall be deemed approved. <br />C. Non — assignment. The grant cannot be assigned or transferred to a different project <br />or artist without prior written approval of the Arts Commission. <br />D. Records. Grant Recipient must maintain records and other evidence pertaining <br />to costs incurred and revenues acquired during the Project implementation. Grant <br />Recipient shall maintain financial records pertaining to the Project for three (3) <br />years from the date of this Agreement, in case of audit. <br />E. Use of Funds. Grant Recipient shall not use the grant funds to repay outstanding <br />taxes or other debts of any nature. The grants shall be utilized solely for the <br />purpose of implementing the Project and Project related expenses. <br />F. Final Report. Grant Recipient shall submit to the Arts Commission a Final Report <br />on January 15, 2016 . The Final Report shall be in the format required by <br />the North Carolina Arts Council. Failure to submit the Final Report or late <br />submission of the Final Report, for any reason, shall be grounds for denial and/or <br />cancellation of grant funds for the Project and future grant proposals. <br />Responsibilities of the Arts Commission <br />A. Payment. The Arts Commission shall release the grant funds in the amount of <br />$1,500 to the Grant Recipient. <br />6. Publicity <br />A. Acknowledgement. Credit must be given to the Orange County Arts <br />Commission using the Arts Commission logo and if State funds are received <br />to the North Carolina Grassroots Program in brochures, news releases, <br />programs, and all other printed and online publications. Copies of such printed <br />materials must accompany the evaluation report. When no printed information is <br />used, verbal credit shall be given. In addition, all print and promotional material <br />must include the following credit line (check all that apply): <br />2 <br />Revised May 2012 <br />
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