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DocuSign Envelope ID: ECE511A0- 1745 - 4353- 8DDA- 483D182AA9FD <br />J illian <br />Lea(336) 266 - 1199 <br />, .ra.iiIIi a n( 53 ni ai1.c,0n <br />Indiana University, Bloomington (August 2012 - May 2014) <br />School of Public and Environmental Affairs (SPEA) <br />Master of Arts in Arts Administration <br />University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (August 2002 - May 2006) <br />Bachelor of Arts in Dramatic Art, Minor in Art History <br />Experience <br />Events By Your Friends (Jan 2011 - Aug 2012, Jan 2014 - present) <br />Co- Founder & Event Planner <br />• Currently developing a signature, repeatable fundraising event for the Hillsborough Arts Council <br />with the intention of engaging all cultural and constituent groups <br />• Designed and executed events including group art shows, concerts, and a spelling bee <br />• Established relationships with local businesses to secure prizes, contracted with venues, booked and <br />coordinated artists and performers, and promoted events through social and print media outlets <br />Bloomington Entertainment and Arts District (Jan - Dec 2013) <br />Graduate Assistant, Economic Development for the Arts <br />• Administered grant programs by processing applications, conducting review panels, maintaining <br />databases, communicating with applicants, evaluating projects and reporting results <br />• Managed all aspects of the public exhibition program including scheduling, material selection, <br />installation, reception coordination, correspondence and promotion <br />• Proactively managed the Bloomington Arts Commission's web presence by creating and maintaining <br />a Facebook page, updating its website, posting pertinent articles and serving as a liaison for <br />organizations wishing to post content <br />• Coordinated logistics for public workshops including registration, marketing and evaluation <br />• Researched and developed a list of resources and coordinated informational workshops for artists <br />Virginia Museum of Fine Arts (May - Aug 2013) <br />Membership Department Intern <br />• Conducted research and reported on membership programs at peer museums for use in developing <br />the VMFA Student Membership level <br />• Recommended the creation of a University Partnership program to improve student engagement and <br />increase Membership Department revenue (currently in development) <br />Increased efficiency of member mailings by building Excel databases to manage returned mail <br />Communicated in person and by phone with members and guests to provide information about the <br />museum, answer questions and sell memberships <br />Indiana University, Bloomington, SPEA, Arts Administration Program (Jan - Dec 2013) <br />Graduate Teaching Assistant <br />• Assisted with instruction and evaluated student work for graduate -level Museum Management and <br />Curating courses and undergraduate -level Arts World courses <br />• Maintained electronic correspondence, managed student forums, and served as the student- <br />professor liaison <br />Bloomington Krampus Legend and Arts Workshop (October - December 2013) <br />Volunteer, Social Media Marketing <br />• Led the Facebook marketing campaign for this event, garnering nearly 1,000 Likes and reaching <br />between 250 and 600 people per post, increasing event attendance to over 3,000 individuals and <br />acauirina more than $575 throuah a crowd - fundina initiative <br />