2014-587-E Arts - McDougle Elementary School PTA for 2014 Arts Grant Agreement $930
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2014-587-E Arts - McDougle Elementary School PTA for 2014 Arts Grant Agreement $930
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R 2014-587 Arts - McDougle Elementary School PTA for 2014 Arts Grants Agreements $930
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DocuSign Envelope ID: C9EE1A01- 1583 -408B- 9007- 6B72A1449ABC <br />Arts in Education Grant Application — Fall 2014 -15 McDougle Elementary School PTA <br />5 Arts Program Application Narrative <br />School Profile <br />McDougle Elementary School (MES) has a population 476 students who represent a wide range <br />of ethnic and socio- economic backgrounds. Below is our current demographic breakdown: <br />Gender <br />Race /National Origin <br />Female: 233 <br />African - American: 71 <br />His anic: 81 <br />White: 274 <br />Male: 243 <br />Asian: 30 <br />Multiracial: 19 <br />Approximately 30 percent of MES students qualify for free or reduced lunch, which indicates <br />that over a quarter of our school families are dealing with issues related to poverty. In addition, <br />we have 62 students classified as English Language Learners (ELL). MES has four self - <br />contained classrooms in its Exceptional Children program: two classrooms for students with <br />autism (12 students) and two Life Skills classrooms for students with severe and profound <br />learning challenges (9 students). <br />Given the demographic and socio- economic composition of our school, a large percentage of <br />our students have very few opportunities to experience a diverse cultural arts program outside <br />the school environment. The struggling economy, declining resources allocated to the arts, and <br />limited fundraising opportunities make it necessary for the MES PTA to seek outside funding to <br />support our Cultural Arts Program. <br />MES has demonstrated its strong commitment to the arts since it opened in 1996. The <br />Common Core and NC Essential Standards determine the school's Arts curriculum. To enhance <br />and complement the curriculum, the PTA presents at least four different performances each <br />year, as well as artist residencies. The MES PTA Cultural Arts Chair works collaboratively with <br />the Orange County Arts Center and cultural arts representatives from other Orange County <br />Schools to carefully select each performance to respond to the needs of our students. The <br />criteria for selection include strong multidisciplinary linkages to the school's curriculum, <br />particularly in arts education, language arts, science, math, social studies and positive behavior, <br />and being representative of a variety of cultures and art forms, such as dance, music, drama, <br />storytelling and poetry. Our goal is to expose students to a wide range of artistic expression <br />throughout their elementary school years. <br />The two performances for which we are currently seeking funding present a unique learning <br />opportunity for our students during the 2014 -15 school year. <br />School's Arts Programs <br />In 2014 -2015, the PTA Cultural Arts Program includes the following shows: <br />• Orchid Ensemble (October 2014) <br />• North Carolina Youth Tap Ensemble (November 2014) <br />• Bright Star Touring Theatre presenting Aesop's Fables and Let it Shine: The American Civil <br />Rights Movement (February 2015) <br />• Hobey Ford's Golden Rod Puppets presenting Animalia (March 2015) <br />The PTA will also fund a poetry residency for 5th grade students and a pottery residency for 4th <br />grade students. The PTA will continue building partnerships with the community at large by <br />inviting local organizations to showcase students' work at the end of these residencies. <br />Proposed Uses of Grant Funds. <br />We are seeking matching funds to pay artists' fees for the following performances, which will be <br />held on school premises in February and March 2015. <br />Page 4 of 23 <br />
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