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Excerpt from BOCC 12/10/94 <br /> Goal Setting Retreat <br /> 7 <br /> 1 sure the plan is still appropriate. Carrboro is talking about a rural village <br /> 2 which is something that should be done jointly. <br /> 3 Commissioner Gordon noted that, at present, there is a small area planning <br /> 4 process in Carrboro which does not include Orange County. Marvin Collins said <br /> 5 that anyone can serve on that committee and that one member of his staff <br /> 6 attends the meetings. <br /> 7 Commissioner Crowther made reference to a resolution Hillsborough approved <br /> 8 which said that they would not participate in cooperative planning if the <br /> 9 County does not approve the proposed EDD at NC86 and I-40. He suggested the <br /> 1OCounty choose four or six areas around Hillsborough for small area plans and <br /> 11 let Hillsborough choose the one that should be done first. <br /> 12 With regard to the Development Impact Statement, Commissioner Gordon said <br /> 13 she would like to know the cumulative impact on schools, infrastructure, roads, <br /> 14recreation and parks, etc. Marvin Collins indicated he could provide that <br /> 15 information,. <br /> 16 Commissioner Willhoit would like to request the towns of Chapel Hill and <br /> 17Carrboro to do a fiscal impact analysis on the impacts of their residential <br /> 18growth within their planning jurisdiction. <br /> 19 It was decided that a review of the Development Impact Statement will be <br /> 20reported at the County Commissioners' regular meeting scheduled for January 17. <br /> 21 At that time it will be decided whether or not to do a resolution asking <br /> 22 municipalities to provide this information or to do it administratively. <br /> 23 <br /> 24 <br /> 2 <br /> 2. tNT PLANNING FOR SERVICE DELIVERY WITH TOWNS AND OTHERS IN ORANGE COUNTY <br /> 27 <br /> 28 - Where to from here? <br /> 29 <br /> 30 Chair Carey mentioned that with regard to joint planning for recreational <br /> 31 activities, the Carrboro staff is suppose to take the initiative to study this <br /> 32issue. He will contact them for an update. <br /> 33 Commissioner Gordon stressed that for both recreation and parks and <br /> 34libraries, they need to focus on positive outcomes for all the citizens. <br /> 35 <br /> 36BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS RECOMMENDATIONS <br /> 37 Commissioner Gordon referred to the Board of Health goal described in the <br /> 38meeting materials and explained that they would like the Board of Commissioners <br /> 39reinforcement to move forward. The Commissioners agreed to endorse the goal. <br /> 40Commissioner Gordon also referred to the request from the Triangle Land <br /> 41 onservancy or 10, 000 o fund a Wildlife Corridor Study which will hopefully <br /> 42 resu t in saving animals which have become or may soon become endangered in <br /> 43 range County- The Commissioners favorably considered this request. <br /> 44 Commissioner Crowther asked if there are boards/commissions that don't <br /> 45 need to be continued or some that may need to be combined. Commissioner <br /> 46Willhoit suggested asking this on the volunteer survey or maybe developing an <br /> 47 exit interview. He would like to know if their experience serving on. the <br /> 48 board/commission was worthwhile and their level of satisfaction. It was agreed <br /> 49that Commissioner Crowther will review the boards/commissions and report back <br /> 50*o the Board. <br /> ° It was decided that the recommendation from the Recreation and Parks <br /> 5. ,visory Commission be discussed when the County Commissioners meet with the <br />