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/D <br /> Disadvantages: <br /> • Construction costs. There is a very real possibility that construction costs could escalate <br /> further. The most recent trends seem to indicate that costs could increase by 8-12% by <br /> January 1, 1996 and then level off to inflationary increases thereafter. While this is a <br /> smaller increase than what we have seen in the past year, it is still an increase and would <br /> require even more money than what we have now. <br /> • Time. Overcrowding is the rule rather than the exception at the jail right now. As pointed <br /> out earlier in this document, we are averaging 118 inmates in a 71 inmate capacity jail. <br /> This consistent significant overcrowding makes us vulnerable to various inmate problems. <br /> 0 Revenue. Again, as I pointed out earlier in this document, the Sheriff has had to reduce <br /> the number of Federal inmates held in order to reduce the Jail population. The County is <br /> reimbursed $49.96 per inmate per day for each Federal inmate. As a point of reference, <br /> the loss of just five inmates per day would reflect a revenue decrease of over$90,000 per <br /> year. <br /> Option 3. Scratch both projects and wait to build under the recommendations brought <br /> forward by the Justice Facility Study Group. <br /> Advantages: <br /> • None apparent. <br /> Disadvantages: <br /> 0 Continued significant court and Jail overcrowding. Potential legal action by Judge against <br /> Commissioners which would force the construction of additional court facilities. The Jail <br /> operation could face similar sanctions as well. <br /> • Continued over crowding in Jail.. <br /> • Lose $2 million in Federal Marshal funds; <br /> • Future construction would cost us more in the long run; the problems will not go away. <br /> Option 4. Assess whether there are current Capital Improvements Program (CIP) projects <br /> which are no longer a priority and from which funding could be shifted. <br /> The results of this assessment indicated that funding is necessary for all projects currently in the <br /> CIP; obtaining additional funds for the Jail/Courthouse project from this source is not practical. <br /> Option 5. Attempt to solicit other bidders and re-bid by end of Summer, 1995. <br /> Since the bids were solicited the first time there was an indication from another bidder that they <br /> would be interested in submitting a bid. The expectation was that by creating a more intensive <br /> level of competition a more positive bid price would result. <br /> This in fact was the case. The low bid submitted by Trafalgar House on August 28, 1995 <br /> ($3,765,000) was approximately$180,000 lower than the bids earlier received. You will note, <br /> however, that the lower bid significantly exceeds funding currently available for this project <br /> ($2,208,552). In an effort to bring the bid amount closer in line with the funds available, Grier- <br /> Fripp and the low bidder, Trafalgar House Construction, have identified a list of potential areas <br /> for cost savings without functional modification of either facility . Modifications to the project <br /> which are recommended include the following: <br /> • Revising backfill material used; <br /> • Tap into existing utilities rather than having temporary service installed; <br /> • Use a landscaped berm rather than a retaining wall on the northern perimeter of the Jail <br />