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1 <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br /> ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br /> Meeting Date: August 22, 1995 <br /> Agenda Abstract <br /> Item X—A <br /> SUBJECT: COMPLAINT -JIM CONNORS PROPERTY/DAIRYLAND ESTATES <br /> DEPARTMENT: Planning PUBLIC HEARING: Yes X No <br /> ATTACHMENTS: INFORMATION CONTACT: <br /> Vicinity Map Planning Director X2592 <br /> Sketch Plan <br /> PHONE NUMBERS: <br /> Hillsborough 732-8181 <br /> Mebane 227-2031 <br /> Durham 688-7331 <br /> Chapel Hill 967-9251 <br /> PURPOSE: To report the results of a site inspection of the property of Jimmy Connors in the <br /> Dairyland Estates Subdivision. <br /> BACKGROUND: Mr.Jinn Gray,President of the Dairyland Estates Homeowners Association,spoke <br /> at the Commissioners' August 3, 1995 meeting concerning a matter not on the <br /> agenda He expressed concerns about the activities of Mr. Jimmy Connors, a <br /> resident and property owner. Mr. Gray stated that Mr. Connors was hauling <br /> truckload after truckload of dirt to his property and appeared to be operating an <br /> illegal landfill. Excessive dust and noise were resulting from the operation. The <br /> Board of Commissioners asked staff to investigate the complaint and report back <br /> at this meeting. <br /> The Planning Director inspected the Connors property on Monday,August 14.Mr. <br /> Connors owns a 12-acre tract at the end of an unpaved private road which <br /> provides access to Dairyland Estates lots(see Attachment#1).Based on a visual <br /> inspection of the site,it appears that Mr.Connors has cleared approximately two- <br /> thirds of the site (see Attachment#2). The clearing of his property has occurred <br /> over the last two years,and,until recently, was limited to the northern half of his <br /> property. In the past few months, Mr. Connors began clearing the southern <br /> portion of his property.Dirt from the McDougle Middle School site is being hauled <br /> by contract haulers to Mr. Connors' property for the purpose of constructing a <br /> pond dam. <br /> The site inspection provided no evidence of any landfilling activity, only the <br /> construction of a pond and associated dam. Although no zoning violation is <br /> evident, Mr. Connors may be required to obtain erosion control permits.Warren <br /> Faircloth, the Erosion Control Supervisor, was asked to inspect the site on <br /> Tuesday,August 15.The results of his inspection and actions taken as a result of <br /> his visit will be reported at the meeting. <br /> RECOMMENDATION: For information purposes only. <br />