Orange County NC Website
To:Ms.Kalhy S Wr at:OrwW C urdY From:D4Donh C.Christie Fax:(919)4883171 Voice:(919)489-4171 ?a94 4 of 5 Fr)oay',UIY 21,1986 1 18.57 PM <br /> 6 4 <br /> Piney Mountain Petition -3- July 27, 1995 <br /> It is in light of these contrasts, and our extraordinary cost in human labor, money, <br /> and emotional fortitude that we appeal to you to offer a small acknowledgment of our <br /> efforts by remitting the administrative and legal fees incurred by OWASA and Orange <br /> County in the preparation of legal documents associated with the Piney Mountain project, <br /> and in contributing engineering and other staff time to oversee the project. <br /> The total amount to be remitted does not exceed $25,000 for each of OWASA and <br /> Orange County. This is a small sum when compared to the annual budgets of Orange <br /> County and OWASA. It is a small sum when compared to the value of the system which <br /> will be conveyed to OWASA(in excess of$500,000 which includes$350,000 in new <br /> construction and$150,000 as a conservative estimate of the collector system which has <br /> been extensively repaired). It is not a small sum to the Piney Mountain residents, whose <br /> lot per lot would be cut from $4,030 to$3,127 if the administrative and legal costs are <br /> remitted. <br /> We thank you for the opportunity to present this appeal to you and answer your <br /> questions at the OWASA Board meeting of July 27, and the Orange County Board of <br /> Commissioners meeting of August 3. By August 15, we hope to have approval of <br /> completion of our project from OWASA and recommendation from the Orange County <br /> staff of final disbursements of all amounts remaining in our account with Orange County <br /> to Piney Mountain assessed members. <br /> Thank you for your consideration of our petition and for your service to our <br /> community. We pledge our continued support for your work and the preservation of our <br /> environment and neighborhoods. <br />