Orange County NC Website
12 <br /> V. Advise Time Warner Incorporated and Alert Cable that the franchise authority shall <br /> exercise its rate regulatory prerogatives pursuant to the Cable Act of 1992 to ensure <br /> that the current value placed upon the intangible assets of Alert Cable shall not increase <br /> as a result of the transfer and adversely impact subscriber rates. <br /> VI. In an economically prudent manner and using existing and any newly developed signal <br /> transportation networks, ask that Time Warner Incorporated and Alert Cable <br /> interconnect adjacent systems within a county to ensure that regional programs [LO & <br /> PEG access] are available to subscribers on systems with sufficient channel capacity to <br /> distribute these programs on either a full-time or shared channel basis. <br /> VII. Recognize that Time Warner Incorporated has filed with the Public Utility Commission <br /> to provide advanced telecommunication services and that the franchise authority may <br /> desire to purchase telecommunication services from TWI to facilitate the transaction of <br /> public business via the cable-telecommunications system. <br /> VIII. Extend existing Alert Cable/CVI franchises to provide for a common expiration date <br /> and to simplify the franchise authority's oversight activities pursuant to its regulatory <br /> authority. Franchises expiring before this date are to be extended to June 30, 1998. <br /> The objectives are to a) to provide a common expiration date with other Triangle J <br /> COG communities, b) provide the new management company [TWI] an opportunity to <br /> interconnect their systems serving area residents and c) monitor TWI's performance <br /> as a monopoly provider of cable television services. <br /> 10 <br />