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3 <br /> • Disadvantages: <br /> • Construction costs. There is a very real possibility that construction costs could escalate <br /> further. The most recent trends seem to indicate that costs could increase by 8-12% by <br /> January 1, 1996 and then level off to inflationary increases thereafter. While this is a <br /> smaller increase than what we have seen in the past year, it is still an increase and would <br /> require even more money than what we have now. <br /> • Time. Overcrowding is the rule rather than the exception at the jail right now. As pointed <br /> out earlier in this document, we are averaging 118 inmates in a 71 inmate capacity jail. <br /> This consistent significant overcrowding makes us vulnerable to various inmate problems. <br /> It should be also noted that recent deaths in the jail, coupled with constant overcrowding <br /> could send a signal to the Prison Legal Services, who constantly monitor such inmate <br /> situations. The necessity to deal with inmate litigation would be a real personnel drain <br /> and one we can hopefully avoid if the new addition is constructed. Although we are out of <br /> compliance on some points of inspection, the State Jail Inspectors have to date been <br /> very understanding because they knew of our construction plans. This is a point of <br /> negotiation with them we do not wish to see jeopardized. <br /> • Revenue. Again, as I pointed out earlier in this document, the Sheriff has had to reduce <br /> the number of Federal inmates held in order to reduce the Jail population. The County is <br /> reimbursed $49.96 per inmate per day for each Federal inmate. As a point of reference, <br /> the loss of just five inmates per day would reflect a revenue decrease of over$90,000 per <br /> year. <br /> Option 3. Alternative Service Delivery in how the Project is built. <br /> • The intent of the General Statutes governing bidding is to ensure that competition creates the <br /> best circumstance under which to spend the Public's money on any given project. When it <br /> becomes clear that there is no competition and in fact the Public is being held hostage by the <br /> bidding process, one must explore what other options are available. <br /> The option for alternative service delivery which we have explored during the past month is that <br /> of a negotiated bid. The Institute of Government Faculty consulted support our position that a <br /> negotiated bid is acceptable as long as we are negotiating on the same scope of project for <br /> which bids were solicited. <br /> Grier-Fripp Architects has worked with Trafalgar House on other North Carolina prison <br /> construction projects. Trafalgar House Construction is British owned and is one of the largest <br /> construction companies in the world . As a point of reference for resources, they own the <br /> bonding company which would write the performance bond for the job. They have offices world- <br /> wide, including one in RTP. Don Combs, Senior Vice President of Operations, is responsible for <br /> operations east of the Mississippi River and lives in Hillsborough. Because of their high standing <br /> in the field, their experience with correctional institution construction and their boundless <br /> corporate resources, Trafalgar House Construction was requested to quote their cost for the <br /> project. They submitted a cost of$3,588,000 on the exact set of plans which yielded the $3.9 <br /> million bid. <br /> Jail/Courthouse Project 3 <br />