Agenda - 08-10-95 - 3 (No abstract sheet available)
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 08-10-95
Agenda - 08-10-95 - 3 (No abstract sheet available)
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Last modified
12/18/2014 8:17:18 AM
Creation date
12/18/2014 8:16:43 AM
Meeting Type
Work Session
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Minutes - 19950810
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\1990's\1995
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incomplete, we did not include new units for this year. The data on new housing units <br /> appeared and resented only occasional problems with addresses, like those encountered in the . <br /> PP P Y P <br /> school children data. These were able to be corrected in almost every instance by using the <br /> taxmap number of the lot to find a complete address. <br /> 3. Number of Bedrooms <br /> For consistency, the number of bedrooms for most housing units in both school <br /> districts was taken from the County's tax appraisal database. An exception was made for the <br /> apartment complexes, for which the management supplied the data. <br /> 4. House Area (Square Footage) <br /> Estimates for the square footage of new housing units were gathered from the towns' <br /> building permit records and the County's tax appraisal system. Some of these estimates varied <br /> widely between sources, differing as much as 4,000 square feet or more for a single house. In <br /> order to improve the consistency of the data, the square footage of living area for all housing <br /> units was calculated based on data from the Orange County tax appraisal system. The area <br /> was determined by multiplying the area of the first floor of the main portion of the unit by the <br /> number of stories. <br /> 5. House Value <br /> Values for all units came from the County's tax appraisal database. The data <br /> represents the value of the main portion of the housing unit only, and does not include the <br /> value of the lot, of additions, or of accessory buildings. This data was available for all units <br /> excluding approximately 50% of the county's mobile homes. For these units, the cost of the <br /> mobile home was obtained from the building permit and was used as the value of the unit. <br /> • <br /> 4 <br />
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