Orange County NC Website
Article 2: Procedures <br />Section 2.7: Special Use Permits <br />shall mail certified notices of the meeting date and time to each property owner within <br />500 feet of the property for which a Special Use has been requested. <br />(C) The applicant shall mail notice of the Neighborhood Information Meeting a minimum of 14 <br />days prior to the date of the meeting <br />(D) The applicant shall post a sign on the property advertising the date place and time of the <br />meeting a minimum of 10 days prior to the date of the meeting. <br />LE) The meeting shall be held a minimum of 453 days prior to the date of the Public Hearing.4 <br />(F) Neighborhood information meetings for telecommunication facilities shalt be held in <br />accordance with the provisions of Section 5.10.8 (B) (2). <br />262.7.7 Notice Requirements for Class B Special Use Permits <br />Notice Requirements for Class B Special Use Permits shall follow the procedures in Section <br />2.12.6. <br /> Nature of Proceedings <br />(A) The review of Special Use Permit applications shall be conducted during a public hearing <br />by the decision - making board. <br />(B) The review of a Special Use Permit application is a quasi - judicial process, where the <br />Board responsible for rendering a decision acts much like a panel of judges. The Board <br />hears factual evidence and sworn testimony presented at an evidentiary hearing, and <br />then makes findings of fact supported by competent, substantial, and material evidence. <br />(C) The chair or presiding officer of the hearing shall swear all parties intending to present <br />evidence or testimony during the hearing. <br />(D) The chair or presiding officer may take whatever action is necessary to limit testimony to <br />the presentation of new factual evidence that is material to the application, to ensure fair <br />and orderly proceedings, and to otherwise promote the efficient and effective gathering of <br />evidence. Such actions may include: <br />3 Staff has changed the timeframe for holding the neighborhood meeting consistent with BOCC and Planning Board <br />direction from the September 8, 2014 public hearing denoting it in green bold text. <br />4 Typically, neighborhood information meetings are required to occur 14 days prior to a public hearing. Staff is <br />recommending 30 days to ensure there is adequate time for adjacent property owners /residents to receive <br />information related to the quasi - judicial review process and secure the necessary experts to argue for /against a <br />specific project. <br />Orange County, North Carolina — Unified Development Ordinance Page 2 -18 <br /> <br />Notice Requirements for Class A Special Use Permits <br />(A) <br />The Planning Director shall give public notice of the date, time and place of the public <br />hearing to be held to receive comments, testimony and exhibits pertaining to the <br />There are no other <br />application for a Special Use. <br />substantive <br />Such notice shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in Orange County <br />amendments to <br />once a week for two successive weeks, with the first notice to be published not less than <br />ten days nor more than 25 days prior to the date of the hearing. In computing the notice <br />Section 2.7 other <br />period, the day of publication is not to be included, but the day of the hearing is to be <br />than re- numbering. <br />included. <br />Staff has not <br />The Planning Director shall post on the affected property a notice of the public hearing at <br />included all of the <br />least ten days prior to the date of said hearing. <br />renumbered <br />Written notice shall be sent by certified mail to all adjacent property owners not less than <br />sections as part of <br />15 days before the hearing date. Adjacent property owners are those whose property <br />this review. <br />lies within five hundred feet of the affected property and whose names and addresses are <br />currently listed in the Orange County tax records. <br />262.7.7 Notice Requirements for Class B Special Use Permits <br />Notice Requirements for Class B Special Use Permits shall follow the procedures in Section <br />2.12.6. <br /> Nature of Proceedings <br />(A) The review of Special Use Permit applications shall be conducted during a public hearing <br />by the decision - making board. <br />(B) The review of a Special Use Permit application is a quasi - judicial process, where the <br />Board responsible for rendering a decision acts much like a panel of judges. The Board <br />hears factual evidence and sworn testimony presented at an evidentiary hearing, and <br />then makes findings of fact supported by competent, substantial, and material evidence. <br />(C) The chair or presiding officer of the hearing shall swear all parties intending to present <br />evidence or testimony during the hearing. <br />(D) The chair or presiding officer may take whatever action is necessary to limit testimony to <br />the presentation of new factual evidence that is material to the application, to ensure fair <br />and orderly proceedings, and to otherwise promote the efficient and effective gathering of <br />evidence. Such actions may include: <br />3 Staff has changed the timeframe for holding the neighborhood meeting consistent with BOCC and Planning Board <br />direction from the September 8, 2014 public hearing denoting it in green bold text. <br />4 Typically, neighborhood information meetings are required to occur 14 days prior to a public hearing. Staff is <br />recommending 30 days to ensure there is adequate time for adjacent property owners /residents to receive <br />information related to the quasi - judicial review process and secure the necessary experts to argue for /against a <br />specific project. <br />Orange County, North Carolina — Unified Development Ordinance Page 2 -18 <br />