ORD-2014-043 Ordinance Approving Proposed Zoning Text Amendments Requiring Neighborhood Information Meetings for All Special Use Permit Applications
Board of County Commissioners
Ordinance 2010-2019
ORD-2014-043 Ordinance Approving Proposed Zoning Text Amendments Requiring Neighborhood Information Meetings for All Special Use Permit Applications
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Last modified
3/13/2019 9:57:18 AM
Creation date
12/17/2014 4:10:24 PM
Meeting Type
Work Session
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Agenda - 11-18-2014 - 5b
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2014\Agenda - 11-18-2014 - Regular Mtg.
Minutes 11-18-2014
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UDO AMENDMENT PACKET NOTES: <br />The following packet details the proposed text amendments requiring a neighborhood <br />information meeting be held prior to the review of all Special Use Permit applications before a <br />public hearing. The amendment package also proposes the re- numbering and reformatting of <br />Section 2.7 to accommodate the new standards. <br />As the number of affected pages /sections of the existing UDO are being modified with this <br />proposal, staff has divided the proposed amendments into the following color coded <br />classifications: <br />• Red Underlined Text: Denotes new, proposed text, that staff is suggesting be added to <br />the UDO. <br />• Red Strikethro gh Text: Denotes existing text proposed for deletion. <br />• Green Underlined Text: Denotes modifications made following the September 8, 2014 <br />Quarterly Public Hearing. <br />Denoted modifications made to address concerns expressed by <br />Commissioner Gordon in a November 17, 2014 e -mail. <br />Staff has included footnotes within the amendment package to provide additional <br />information /rationale concerning the proposed amendments to aid in your review. <br />Only those pages of the UDO impacted by the proposed modification(s) have been included <br />within this packet. Some text on the following pages has a large "X" through it to denote that <br />these sections are not part of the amendments under consideration. The text is shown only <br />because in the full UDO it is on the same page as text proposed for amendment or footnotes <br />from previous sections `spill over' onto the included page. Text with a large "X" is not proposed <br />for modification. <br />Please note that the page numbers in this amendment packet may or may not necessarily <br />correspond to the page numbers in the adopted UDO because adding text may shift all of <br />the text/sections downward. <br />Users are reminded that these excerpts are part of a much larger document (the UDO) that <br />regulates land use and development in Orange County. The full UDO is available online at: <br />http: / / /planning /Ordinances.asp <br />
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