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individual votes. She said it will be unified if everyone does or does not vote for it. She said <br /> the charter to will go to all of the managers and legal departments before it is brought forward. <br /> Commissioner Price asked about the timeline for the unified charter. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said the managers met last week, and there will be another <br /> meeting with Robert Dowling. She said the goal is to have a status report by the November <br /> 19th Assembly of Governments meeting. <br /> Commissioner Price said this item seems more immediate, and she is concerned if the <br /> charter is going to take some time. She said this seems to be an issue that could have been <br /> anticipated, and this policy change will keep the CHT alive. She asked if the money gained by <br /> selling at 115 percent can be then put back into the efforts of the CHT. <br /> Robert Dowling said these two requests are related but not linked. He said the fee <br /> simple request is an enticement for banks to make loans to the buyers. He said the CHT has <br /> never had a foreclosure, as they would pay off the bank and take the property in order to keep <br /> the equity that is in the home. <br /> He said the second part of this is leaving in the subsidy in order to widen the window of <br /> people who are eligible to purchase the homes. He said there is a struggle to sell homes <br /> because the banks will not lend money and because HUD income limits have declined. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said she understands that the issue tonight is different from the <br /> charter issue. She said what she wanted to articulate was that the managers could expand <br /> their discussions to include the related topic. <br /> Commissioner Rich noted that Hillsborough and Chapel Hill have already voted in favor <br /> of this proposal. She said the charter has been out for about a year, and the Board saw it at a <br /> meeting last November. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner porosin, seconded by Commissioner Price to <br /> approve the policy changes as requested by Community Home Trust to permit CHT to extend <br /> a fee simple interest to mortgage lenders and permit homes to be sold to persons up to 115 <br /> percent AMI where permitted by HUD. <br /> Robert Dowling said the word "unrestricted' was not used by him, nor was it used by <br /> Commissioner porosin in his motion. He clarified that every time HOME funds are put in, the <br /> County draws up restrictive covenants against that property, specifying that the home will stay <br /> affordable for 99 years. He said "unrestricted" fee simple interest means that the bank wants <br /> this covenant to disappear or else it is no good to them. He said this is what is holding some <br /> of the banks back. <br /> Chair Jacobs asked if this is part of the motion. <br /> Robert Dowling said it is not used in Commissioner porosin's wording. <br /> Commissioner porosin asked if would be better to amend the wording. <br /> Robert Dowling said when this is implemented he wants it to be crystal clear what is <br /> needed to entice the banks to lend money. <br /> Chair Jacobs said if this change is made, he will oppose the motion. He said the CHT <br /> and the Board agreed to the 99 year restriction to make sure the affordability is assured. He <br /> said he is fine with making it easier for residents to buy the homes, but doing away with <br /> affordability is a much more complicated discussion. <br /> Commissioner porosin questioned what would be in place between CHT and a buyer to <br /> insure long term affordability if covenants are not in place. <br /> Robert Dowling said the CHT holds all of the deeds and would receive notice if there <br /> was a foreclosure. He said CHT would step in to pay off the bank and take the property back. <br />