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• Discussion and Approval of the Items Removed from the Consent Agenda <br /> 6-c Fiscal Year 2014-15 Budqet Amendment#2 <br /> Commissioner Price asked for an explanation of who is paying what to whom. <br /> Paul Laughton said Alan Clapp is here from Environmental Health to explain this. He <br /> said these fees have not been increased since 2005, and the current fees were only <br /> authorized to charge for the cost of the kits and the mailing. He said these are now authorized <br /> to do more than that and collect more of the overhead cost. He said this is the reason for a <br /> larger increase in the lab fee. <br /> Allan Clapp said the increase was a result of the approved state budget authorizing the <br /> state lab to recoup their fees commensurate with the new well sample. He said the County <br /> cost has increased by $20 just to get the bottle to take the sample. <br /> Commissioner Price asked about the $25 fee that is listed. <br /> Allan Clapp said that is the fee that is currently charged to the public, and it will go up to <br /> $60. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Price, seconded by Commissioner Rich to <br /> approve the budget ordinance amendments for fiscal year 2014-15. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 6-i Interlocal Aqreement for the Reimbursement of Expenditures <br /> Commissioner Rich thanked John Roberts for helping the Board by reinstating this. <br /> She asked if the taxes will be handled the same way the hotel taxes are handled, where some <br /> monies go to the Visitors Bureau. <br /> John Roberts said these are the occupancy taxes, and the same restrictions will apply. <br /> He said these are just occupancy taxes that have not previously been collected by the <br /> companies <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Rich, seconded by Commissioner Price to <br /> authorize the Chair to execute an agreement with the Towns of Carrboro, Hillsborough, Chapel <br /> Hill and various Online Travel Companies ("OTCs") for the collection and remittance of certain <br /> occupancy taxes. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 7. Reqular Aqenda <br /> a. Community Home Trust Request to Amend Operational Procedures <br /> The Board considered approving proposed procedural changes by Community Home <br /> Trust. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley reviewed the following information as outlined in the abstract: <br /> The Community Home Trust (CHT) is an affordable housing provider whose clientele includes <br /> first-time homebuyers earning less than 80 percent of the area median income with subsidy <br /> from the federal HOME program. In May 2014 CEO Robert Dowling submitted a letter <br /> addressed to the Town of Chapel Hill, the Orange County Board of Commissioners and the <br /> Orange County HOME Consortium proposing procedural changes to its operations. The <br /> proposal addresses two (2) issues: <br /> 1. Homebuyers' limited access to financing; and <br /> 2. CHT's difficultly in selling homes. <br />