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Commissioner porosin asked for an explanation of the employment transportation <br /> assistance program. <br /> Peter Murphy said it is an assistance program to get people to work training programs <br /> that will potentially place them into jobs. He said it mostly involves running vans or buses. He <br /> said if the funding for this is not exhausted it is rolled into either of the other two categories. <br /> Commissioner porosin asked if a program could be developed to assist people in <br /> getting vehicles. <br /> Chair Jacobs said the County used to have a program called Wheels to Work. <br /> Nancy Coston said this has been discussed recently. She said several programs like <br /> this have been run in the past, and they were very successful. She said there is a little bit of <br /> money in the budget to help pay for some of the cost to refurbish vehicles; however, there has <br /> not been an ongoing funding stream to help with the costs <br /> Commissioner porosin asked if this money could be used for that. <br /> Nancy Coston said no. She said the rules have changed, and the recipients have to be <br /> transitioning out of Work First. She said the funds are to help with rides or to help pay mileage <br /> costs for people who have a car. She said it is not to be used for purchasing a car. <br /> Peter Murphy said these funds can also be used to purchase bus passes. <br /> Commissioner Price asked if there is any expected impact on ridership as a result of <br /> the change in the Rural General Program (RGP) funds for the route 420 mid-day service. <br /> Peter Murphy said this is something to watch carefully because urban related <br /> transportation costs cannot be assigned to the ROAP funds. He said staff is researching other <br /> funds to make up for this. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier ask how these rural funds will be used and how it fits in with <br /> the County's other transportation plans. <br /> Peter Murphy said some of the routes are eligible for RGP. He said the public needs to <br /> be made well aware of the public routes that are available, and staff is working on this. He <br /> said if a route is open to the general public, it is considered RGP. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier said the Board sees this every year. She said in future she <br /> would like to see a report showing how many people use this service from the ROAP funds, <br /> and how many people are being served with the half cent sales tax. She would like to know <br /> who is being served. <br /> Commissioner Price asked if a resident in the southern rural part of the County would <br /> be able to come up to Hillsborough. She asked if the Durham urbanized area cuts into this. <br /> Peter Murphy said this could be done. He said the important part is to assign how <br /> many miles are being done in rural versus urban, and the rural miles must be higher. He said <br /> you can pick up in both sets of miles as a combination as long as the rural miles are higher. <br /> PUBLIC COMMENT: <br /> NONE <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner McKee, seconded by Commissioner Price to <br /> close the public hearing, <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Pelissier, seconded by Commissioner Price to <br /> approve the application for Rural Operating Assistance Program funds totaling $174,322 for <br />