Orange County NC Website
1998 which proposed the creation of the Comprehensive Resource Conservation Program <br /> (Lands Legacy Program). <br /> Finally, the last page of the handout provided excerpts of minutes from two BOCC <br /> meetings. At the first meeting on May 26, 1998, there was a report that discussed the <br /> proposed department. At the second meeting on June 22, 1998, the Commissioners voted 3-2 <br /> to establish the new department, and to implement the new land acquisition program. In <br /> summary, the first six pages of the handout gave the agenda abstract and supporting <br /> background material for the second meeting on June 22, 1998. <br /> Commissioner Gordon noted that the result of the 3-2 vote on June 22, 1998 was that <br /> the new department and new Lands Legacy Program were created, and environmental <br /> protection and resource conservation became a separate function of Orange County <br /> government. To date, the County has protected over 3000 acres of the County's most <br /> important natural and cultural resources through the Lands Legacy Program. <br /> This handout is on file in the Clerk's office and is hereby incorporated by reference into <br /> these minutes. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said she and Commissioner Pelissier attended the NC <br /> Association of County Commissioners (NCACC) Environmental Steering Committee, and two <br /> of the top five goals approved were from Orange County. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said the Durham Chapel Hill Carrboro Metropolitan Planning <br /> Organization (DCHC MPO) held a Board meeting, and there were several interesting items. <br /> She said these included a presentation on the complete streets policy and the comprehensive <br /> transportation plan update. <br /> Commissioner porosin reported that Town of Chapel Hill approved extending the ETJ <br /> into the Rogers Road Community. He said the vote was unanimous, and this means the town <br /> will be able to directly contribute to the provision and extension of sewer service. <br /> Commissioner Rich asked about the next step in this process. <br /> Commissioner porosin said this does not have to go to General Assembly. He said <br /> Orange County just now has to sign off on it. <br /> Commissioner McKee said he visited the Rogers Road Community Center, and it is <br /> almost completed. He said there was also a dedication of one of the last few houses. <br /> Commissioner Rich said she attended Project Connect, along with Commissioner <br /> Pelissier. She said there were 221 guests this year, and it was clear that a lot of people came <br /> to see the dentist. She said it reminded her that dental services need to be brought back down <br /> to the southern part of the County. <br /> Commissioner Price said TARPO met last week. She said there will be a revision of the <br /> comprehensive transportation plan. She said the I-85 and I-40 improvements have been <br /> approved. <br /> Commissioner Price said at the NCACC Board of Directors meeting, Kevin Leonard <br /> was approved as the new director, effective November 4tn <br /> Chair Jacobs said he and Commissioner Pelissier attended ribbon cutting of Mountains <br /> to Sea Trail, and he also attended the dedication of Riverwalk in Hillsborough. <br /> Chair Jacobs said Thomas Crowther passed away last week, and he was a great friend <br /> of affordable housing, social justice, environmental, and smart design. He said this loss will be <br /> felt beyond Raleigh. <br /> 13. Information Items <br /> • October 7, 2014 BOCC Meeting Follow-up Actions List <br /> • Memo Regarding Information on Potential for Solar Energy Project at Closed Landfill <br />