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Commissioner Gordon asked if this parcels out the personnel cost. <br /> Craig Benedict said there are a cost side and a revenue side, and these are estimated <br /> at a higher value house. He said at this level, there is a positive value flow from residential. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said this is going to be considered in other business at other <br /> meetings, and it is good to see an example that is worked through. She said there have not <br /> been many developments lately. <br /> Chair Jacobs said he hoped to review if the Commissioners wanted to continue to do <br /> this and if this process is of any use to the Board. He said this is a conversation for another <br /> time. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner McKee, seconded by Commissioner Rich to <br /> approve the Preliminary Plat, and Resolution of Approval as contained in Attachment 7. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 8. Reports NONE <br /> 9. County Manaqer's Report <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said the ribbon cutting for the Rogers Road Community Center is <br /> scheduled for Nov. 15th at 9:30 a.m. She recommended officially naming this center the <br /> Rogers Road Community Center, and she said this will come to the Board at the November 6tn <br /> meeting in accordance with policy. <br /> Chair Jacobs asked if this could include a presentation of background information on <br /> Mr. Rogers. <br /> 10. County Attorney's Report NONE <br /> 11. Appointments <br /> a. Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee —Appointments <br /> The Board considered making appointments to the Adult Care Home Community <br /> Advisory Committee. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Pelissier, seconded by Commissioner Price to <br /> appoint the following to the Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee: <br /> • Mr. James Bartow to a first full term (Position #11) At-Large for ending10/31/2017. <br /> • Mrs. Karen Schnell to a first full term (Position #12) At-Large for Mrs. Karen Schnell <br /> ending <br /> 10/31/2017. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> b. Board of Social Services —Appointment <br /> The Board considered making an appointment to the Board of Social Services. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner McKee, seconded by Commissioner Gordon to <br /> appoint the following to the Board of Social Services: <br /> • Ms. Ann Wilkerson to a first full term (Position #4) At-Large Citizen (BOCC Appointee) <br /> with term ending 06/30/2017. <br />