Orange County NC Website
Commissioner Pelissier petitioned for a presentation by staff regarding alternatives to <br /> septic systems on sites or on lots. She would like to see options that allow more clustering and <br /> more open space. <br /> Commissioner porosin said he wanted to check in on his resolution regarding the <br /> placement of immigrant children in schools. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said she will check on this and get back to the Board. <br /> Commissioner Gordon read the following petition: <br /> Petition - Global Climate Change - Oct. 21, 2014 <br /> Petition that the Board of County Commissioners consider for adoption at one of its regular <br /> meetings in November (November 6 or 18) a resolution concerning global climate change <br /> which outlines reasons for concern about climate change and includes action statements <br /> endorsing ways that Orange County can "think globally and act locally," both as a local <br /> government and as individuals who live in Orange County. <br /> I would like to help provide the wording for such a resolution. <br /> Submitted by Alice Gordon <br /> 4. Proclamations/ Resolutions/ Special Presentations - NONE <br /> 5. Public Hearinqs <br /> a. North Carolina Department of Transportation Rural Operatinq Assistance Proqram <br /> (ROAP) Grant Application for FY 2015 <br /> The Board conducted a public hearing for the NCDOT Rural Operating Assistance <br /> Program (ROAP) grant and considered approving the annual FY 2015 ROAP grant application <br /> and certified statement and authorizing the Chair, Manager and Finance Officer to sign. <br /> Peter Murphy said this is an annual program, and the amount is slightly lower this year <br /> due to the change of the County's urban status. He said more of the territory is urban, so it is <br /> expected that more funding will come from other sources in the future. <br /> He reviewed the following information from the abstract: <br /> Background: The North Carolina Department of Transportation, Public Transportation Division <br /> designates Rural Operating Assistance Program (ROAP) funds each fiscal year to Orange <br /> County. ROAP consolidates the Elderly/Disabled Transportation Assistance Program (EDTAP), <br /> the Employment Program (EMPL), and the Rural General Public (RGP) Program into a single <br /> application package. These ROAP funds allow Orange County to continue providing the above <br /> mentioned programs from July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015. The amounts being made <br /> available for each respective program for FY 2015 are: <br /> Program Amount <br /> Elderly/Disabled Transportation Assistance Program (EDTAP) $73,344 <br /> Employment Transportation Assistance Program (EMPL) $30,893 <br /> Rural General Public Program (RGP) $70,085 <br /> TOTAL $174,322 <br />