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Michael Harvey said the site distance around the curve is not safe enough to site a <br /> connection onto Willett Road. <br /> Chair Jacobs said there needs to be a better set of standards for site lines. He said <br /> there are other areas with much smaller site lines. <br /> Chair Jacobs asked who is maintaining the ponds. <br /> Michael Harvey said the Home Owner Association (HOA) will be responsible for this. <br /> Commissioner porosin said if you have a clustered sub-division, you have to have an <br /> HOA because of the common space. <br /> Michael Harvey said this is correct. <br /> Commissioner porosin said delegating authority to an HOA can, in some cases, <br /> disadvantage property owners. He said he is certain that he does not want to favor HOA's. <br /> Commissioner porosin asked for clarification on the location of phases 1-3, and he <br /> asked if these are all contiguous. <br /> Michael Harvey reviewed the map, and he said all 4 are not contiguous from an access <br /> point. He said phases 1 and 2 will be contiguous, and phases 3 and 4 will be contiguous from <br /> a vehicular standpoint. He said there will be trail access. <br /> Chair Jacobs said there are significant environmental advantages to having contiguous <br /> open space, and this is part of the trade off. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner McKee, seconded by Commissioner Price to <br /> approve the Preliminary Plat, and the Resolution of Approval at Attachment 7. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> e. Maior Subdivision Preliminary Plat Application — Stroud's Creek (9:35-10:00) <br /> The Board considered taking action on a Major Subdivision Preliminary Plat application <br /> proposing a 14 lot single-family residential subdivision in accordance with the provisions of <br /> Section 2.15 and Article 7 Subdivisions of the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO). <br /> Patrick Mallett presented the following PowerPoint slides: <br /> October 21, 2014 <br /> BOCC Agenda Item 7.e: <br /> Stroud's Creek <br /> Preliminary Plan <br /> Review and Action on a 14-lot Major Subdivision off of Strouds Creek Road <br /> Vicinity Map and Parcel Information: <br /> PIN: 9875-08-0900 <br /> Size of Parcel: 25.3 acres in area <br /> Zoning of Parcel: Agricultural Residential (AR) and Special Flood <br /> Hazard Area Overlay District (SFHA) <br /> The property is not located within a Watershed <br /> Protection Overlay District <br /> Township: Hillsborough <br /> School District: Orange County <br /> Future Land Use <br /> Map Designation: Agricultural Residential and Rural <br /> Industrial Activity Node. <br /> Growth Management System Designation: Rural <br />