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Bret Martin said it takes time for the public to acknowledge a service route. He said the <br /> plan is to have a one year introduction period, followed by a 6 month data evaluation. He said <br /> the report would come back to the Board after this 6 month period. Bret Martin said this means <br /> the Board would receive a report after 18 months. He said this is just staff's recommendation. <br /> Commissioner Rich said she would like a periodic update to keep the Board in the loop. <br /> Commissioner Gordon referred to the green route listed on the last page. She said <br /> these are mid-day routes, and she asked how many passengers the buses hold. <br /> Craig Benedict said these hold 20 passengers. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said these 20 passenger buses are the kind of buses used for <br /> the rural program. <br /> Craig Benedict said yes. He said these buses are only about $75,000 each, as <br /> opposed to larger buses at $450,000. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said she is happy to see the expansion of the route up into <br /> Cedar Grove eventually. She thanked staff for their work on this program. <br /> Chair Jacobs requested that staff provide the board a visual representation of the <br /> public routes added to Orange County after the 420 route started. He said a map would <br /> provide a better picture of the system as it is growing. <br /> Craig Benedict said the need for a graphic representation for the public has been <br /> discussed, and staff will work on this. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Price, seconded by Commissioner Pelissier to <br /> endorse the staff recommended bus service expansion program (Attachments 1, 2, 3 and 4), <br /> to add a correction to the Route/Service chart ( under option 2- it should be marked "Yes" for <br /> the Efland-Hillsborough Commuter Loop) and to receive updated information on a timely <br /> basis. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> d. Maior Subdivision Preliminary Plat Application — Pleasant Green Woods Phase IV <br /> The Board considered taking action on a Major Subdivision Preliminary Plat application <br /> proposing a 16 lot single-family residential subdivision in accordance with the provisions of <br /> Section 2.15 and Article 7 Subdivisions of the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO). <br /> Michael Harvey presented the following PowerPoint slides: <br /> October 21, 2014 <br /> BOCC Item 7.d: <br /> Pleasant Green Woods Phase IV <br /> Preliminary Plan <br /> Review and Action on a 16-lot Major Subdivision off of Pleasant Green Road <br /> Orange County Planning Department <br /> Vicinity Map and Parcel Information: <br /> PIN: 9893-87-9972 <br /> Size of parcel: 46.34 acres <br /> Zoning of parcels: Rural Residential (R-1) and Lower Eno Protected Watershed Overlay (L- <br /> ENO-PW). <br /> Township: Eno. <br /> School District: Orange County Schools. <br /> Future Land Use Map Designation: Rural Residential. <br />