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Craig Benedict said everything requested by the Commissioners can be <br /> accommodated over a 5 year phasing period with these programs. <br /> He displayed a chart showing funding available through the Orange County Bus and <br /> Rail Investment Plan. <br /> Commissioner McKee asked Craig Benedict to explain the difference between several <br /> of the routes. <br /> Craig Benedict said the US 70 midday service will be during non-commuter hours and will <br /> complement what Triangle Transit is doing. He said Triangle Transit expects to extend its <br /> existing Hillsborough-Durham service to go from Mebane to Durham in January. He said the <br /> Efland-Hillsborough commuter loop will be during peak commuter hours in the morning. He <br /> said it will pick up riders in Efland, and take them directly to Hillsborough to catch a TTA route <br /> to Durham, before continuing on to Waterstone where riders can pick up the 420 route. He <br /> said the current circulator route is more of an access to human services during the daytime. <br /> Commissioner McKee said these could be feeder programs. He said, as a new service, <br /> this would be eligible to have access to the half cent transit tax money. <br /> Craig Benedict said that is correct. <br /> Commissioner McKee said he would like to see this included in option 2. <br /> Craig Benedict said the Efland commuter loop would be part of the option 2. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier noted that attachment 1 lists all of the recommended routes. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier asked when the fare box recovery will actually be approved. <br /> Craig Benedict said in the coming months staff will be analyzing how to charge for <br /> these routes. He said work will be done to make sure there are similarities with Triangle <br /> Transit and to come up with a fee schedule to accommodate the fare box revenue estimates. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier referred to attachment 1 on page 4. She said the program <br /> budget summary shows, in fiscal year 2015, that $211,000 will be generated from half cent <br /> sales tax, but the County will only be spending $156,000. She asked if this is correct. <br /> Craig Benedict said any money not spent will be banked. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier said this explains the one year of gap where the revenue does <br /> not cover the service, and this is because the excess from the previous year can be used. <br /> Craig Benedict said that is correct. <br /> Commissioner Price asked if the 420 route is ever full. She wonders if it makes sense <br /> to have a smaller bus. <br /> Craig Benedict said staff does not know the ridership now, but they will start with small <br /> buses. <br /> Commissioner Price referred to the map on attachment 3 and asked if these zones are <br /> hard and fast. She questioned whether route 1A could go a little further south. <br /> Craig Benedict said these routes are approximations, and work is still being done on <br /> them. <br /> Commissioner Rich asked what the updates will look like, what standards will be used, <br /> and how frequent the updates will be. <br /> Craig Benedict said there are different standards for rural and urban services. He said <br /> there have been discussions about this with Triangle Transit. <br /> Craig Benedict said a metric has been developed to bring back to the Board of County <br /> Commissioners, and this will likely be presented to the Board once a year, prior to budget <br /> discussions. <br /> Bret Martin said the service standard would make use of the passengers per service <br /> hour metric. He said the standard would state that services and routes should be no less than <br /> one half below the system's average for each type of service. He said TTA uses 25 percent <br /> below, but OPT does not have as much benchmark data. <br />