Orange County NC Website
Chair Jacobs asked him to explain the easel illustrations. <br /> Jeff Thompson reviewed the illustration of properties that the Board of County <br /> Commissioners considered. He said all of these have been deferred except for the Butler <br /> property. He reviewed an aerial photo of the proposed Butler property. <br /> Commissioner Price referred to page 3, section c and asked where the County would <br /> be left if Main Street did not complete their part of the project. <br /> John Roberts said this statement protects the County if Main Street developers were to <br /> go bankrupt. <br /> Commissioner Price said the County has a ground lease that goes away once the <br /> property is complete. She asked who would own the property, and whether the owner needs to <br /> be included in the document. <br /> John Roberts said no. He said Main Street has an option on this property. <br /> Jeff Thompson said the option owner is one of the partners within the Main Street <br /> partnership, and the ground lease contract agreements will contemplate the County having an <br /> option on that property. <br /> John Roberts said this document is not binding on the County in any way except due <br /> diligence, confidentiality and representations and warranties. He said signing this document <br /> means the County executes the document and can still walk away in the event that Main Street <br /> collapses or the deal with the owner collapses. <br /> Commissioner Price asked if the reference on the next page is for interior and exterior <br /> design work. <br /> Jeff Thompson said that is for site work and the exterior of the building. <br /> Commissioner Price asked who will maintain the landscaping after the initial <br /> construction. <br /> Jeff Thompson said Orange County will be a condominium interest owner. He said a <br /> management company will be formulated, and that entity will maintain the exterior. <br /> Commissioner Price asked for clarification on how they are dealing with the parking <br /> deck. <br /> Jeff Thompson said that is a negotiating point but not a selling point. <br /> John Roberts said that is a very fluid and ongoing discussion at this time. <br /> Commissioner Gordon referred to paragraph S on page 11. She said her major <br /> concern is whether the Board should agree to consider allowing the parking spaces to be used <br /> this way. She said the other concern is that there is a fairly major omission regarding who <br /> will be using the parking spaces. She said this should be specified. She said there are also a <br /> couple of grammatical errors. <br /> John Roberts said Main Street is not willing to negotiate on whether the County <br /> considers allowing the use of the spaces in the off hours of the library. He said it is crucial to <br /> the business plan of this development that the developer has access to these spaces. He said <br /> he will clarify who will use these spaces during the off hours. <br /> John Roberts said changing the wording of this could pose problems in the future for <br /> the final contract documents. He said Main Street needs access to these spaces when the <br /> County is not using them. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked for the name of the user. <br /> John Roberts said he believes this will be the public. He said the rules and regulations <br /> for the parking structure will be established by Main Street in those off hours. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said it sounds like the County is being steered in the direction of <br /> not changing that, but she would like to see the grammar corrected. <br /> Chair Jacobs asked if the off hour parking will be controlled by the developer but <br /> Orange County would be paying for the spaces. <br />