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Commissioner porosin said if there is no deed restrictions on the property there is <br /> nothing to prevent the home owner from selling it again. <br /> Robert Dowling clarified that there will always be a restrictive covenant on the property. <br /> He said if the CHT did not step in to buy the property, then the bank takes it without restriction. <br /> He said the restrictions are in place, and are only terminated if CHT does not step in to prevent <br /> a foreclosure. He said the banks will only lend with no restrictions. He said he was not <br /> suggesting that they forego the 99 year affordability. <br /> Chair Jacobs asked about the possibility of an affordable housing bond that includes <br /> setting aside $1 million for loans to CHT buyers so that banks do not have to be involved. <br /> Robert Dowling said this s a good idea. <br /> Commissioner McKee said this will take the 99 year restriction off for the banks, but <br /> CHT and the County can still impose the affordability time frame. <br /> Robert Dowling said the CHT will continue to do business as usual with a 99 year <br /> affordability clause; but they will agree to sign a collateral agreement with the bank, and if CHT <br /> does not step in, the bank gets the fee simple loan in the event of a foreclosure. <br /> Commissioner McKee suggested that the percentage numbers in Commissioner <br /> Gordon's email should be made available to the public. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked for input from John Roberts on the fee simple interest and <br /> the maintenance of the 99 year affordability. <br /> John Roberts said the risk is not about losing the 99 year affordability. He said the risk <br /> is that there is would be a spate of foreclosures, and the County would have to come up with <br /> hundreds of thousands of dollars to keep the 99 year affordability. He said this is a financial <br /> risk to the County. <br /> Commissioner Rich acknowledged Chair Jacobs idea, and she said CHT is always <br /> trying to think of creative ideas. <br /> Commissioner Rich called the question. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> b. Southern Branch Library Letter of Intent Approval <br /> The Board considered authorizing the Chair to execute a Letter of Intent with regard to <br /> the Southern Branch Library upon the approval of the County Attorney. <br /> Jeff Thompson reviewed a map of the property. He said the letter of intent is a non- <br /> binding agreement. He reviewed the following information from the abstract: <br /> BACKGROUND: On May 13, 2014, the Board of County Commissioners authorized staff to <br /> engage in negotiations with Main Street Partners of Chapel Hill, LLC ("Main Street") regarding <br /> the potential location of the Southern Branch Library on property adjacent to the 300 Main <br /> development located in Carrboro known as the Butler Property. <br /> The attached Letter of Intent is drafted to frame the future negotiations for the definitive <br /> agreements necessary for the potential development and construction of a Southern Branch <br /> Library. The County's execution of this Letter of Intent does not bind the County to locate the <br /> Southern Branch Library on the Butler Property nor does it obligate the County to enter into <br /> definitive agreements with Main Street in the future. <br /> FINANCIAL IMPACT: Execution of this Letter of Intent and the subsequent negotiation of the <br />