Agenda - 02-25-2008-c1
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 02-25-2008
Agenda - 02-25-2008-c1
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9/2/2008 8:58:20 AM
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8/28/2008 9:45:25 AM
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17 <br />Staff Comment: Staff supports design solution from the standpoint that is will allow <br />for the developer to create the `downtown' theme as proposed subject to site plan <br />review and approval. <br />Staff does not support granting a blanket `waiver' and believes the proposed design <br />solution should be considered in the context of asite-specific development plan <br />showing the location of the proposed buildings in relation to fire lanes and emergency <br />vehicle access points. <br />Staff recommends that the County Manager, upon receiving the recommendation of <br />staff, ensure that the site plans that are administratively reviewed include relevant <br />comments from County Departments, and outside agencies, as part of the later site- <br />specific development plan. <br />6. Waiver Six (6) as outlined on page thirty-three (33) of the application reading as <br />follows: <br />`The applicant requests a waiver from Section 3.1 Architectural Design - <br />Corrugated Metal; Highly Reflective Surfaces; and Illuminated Roofing of the <br />EDD Design Manual' <br />The applicant is requesting the' ability to have flexibility in using highly reflective roof <br />materials when they are designed to achieve the various energy objectives outlined <br />within the application. The applicant indicates that the use of reflective material will <br />assist them in designed architectural features that are intended to make use of radiant <br />heat and natural light to reduce energy use and costs. <br />Staff Comment: Staff supports the design. solution from the standpoint that it will <br />allow for the developer to incorporate green building standards within the project. <br />Staff recommends that this design solution be approved in concert with a condition, <br />agreed upon by the applicant, that the design solution can only be utilized in situations <br />where it is demonstrated that the reflective roofing will not create a public safety or <br />traffic hazard (i.e. glare). <br />7. Waiver Seven (7) as outlined on pages thirty-three (33) through thirty-four (34) of the <br />application reading as follows: <br />`The applicant requests a waiver from Section 3.1 Architectural Design - <br />Corrugated Metal; Highly Reflective Surfaces; and Illuminated Roofing of the <br />EDD Design Manual ' . <br />The applicant is requesting the ability to have flexibility in using highly reflective roof <br />materials, specifically focusing on use of solar panels. The EDD Design Manual <br />requires that solar panels must be flush with the slope of the roof. The applicant <br />indicates that there may be situations where solar panels cannot be flush with the roof <br />and that flexibility is needed to allow for their use. The benefit here is that panels, that <br />are not flush with the roof, can utilize existing tracking technology to make more <br />efficient use of the suns rays. <br />Staff Comment: As with number six (6) above, staff supports the design solution from <br />the standpoint that it will allow for the developer to incorporate green building <br />standards within. the project. <br />
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