Orange County NC Website
room Tessa U.S. DEPARTMD%'T OF AGRICULTURE •e••..NeVes 0..6.e.0 e.". <br /> *� Food and Nutrition Service <br /> ASSURANCE OF COMPLIANCE WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, <br /> FOOD AND NUTRITION SERVICE, UNDER TITLE VI OF THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF 1964 <br /> Orange County Health Department <br /> %NAme of Applicant) <br /> (Hereinafter called the "Applicant.") <br /> IMMY AGREES THAT it will comply with Title VI any improvements made with Federal financial <br /> of the Civil lights Act of 1964 (P.L. 88-352) assistance extended to the Applicant by the <br /> and all requisements imposed by the Regulations Department. This includes any Federal agreement, <br /> of the Department of Agriculture (7 CFA Part 15), arrangement, or other contract which has as one <br /> Department of Justice (28 CFR Parts 42 i 50), of its purposes the provision of assistance such <br /> and FNS directives or regulations issued as food, food stamps, cash assistance for the <br /> pursuant to that Act and the legulations, to the purchase of food, and cash assistance for purchase <br /> effect that, no person in the United States shall, or rental of food service equipment or any other <br /> on the ground of race, color, or national origin, financial assistance extended in reliance on the <br /> be excluded from participation in, be denied the representations and agreements made in this <br /> benefits of, or be otherwise subject to discrisi- assurance. <br /> nation undei any program or activity for which the <br /> Applicant received Federal financial assistance EY ACCEPTING THIS ASSURAKE, the applicant agrees <br /> from the Department; and RERED! GIVES ASSUPW CE to compile data, maintain records and submit <br /> THAT It will imm ediately take any measures reports as required, to permit effective enforce- <br /> necessary to effectuate this agreement. ment of Title VI and permit authorized USDA <br /> personnel during normal working hours to review <br /> THIS ASSUMN CE is given in consideration of and such records, books and accounts as needed to <br /> for the purpose of obtaining any and all Federal ascertain compliance with Title VI. If there are <br /> financial assistance, grants and loans of Federal any violations of this assurance, the Department <br /> funds, reimbursable expenditures, grant or of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service, shall <br /> donation of Federal property and interest in have the right to seek judicial enforcement of <br /> property, the detail of Federal personnel, the this assurance. <br /> sale and lease of, and the permission to use. <br /> Federal property or interest in such property or This assurance is binding on the applicant, iti <br /> the furnishing of services without consideration successors. transferees. and assignees as long as <br /> or at a nominal consideration, or at a consider- it receives assistance or retains possession of <br /> ation which is reduced for the purpose of assist- any assistance from the Department. The person <br /> ing the recipient, or in recognition of the or persons whose signatures appear below are <br /> public interest to be served by such sale, lease, authorized to sign this assurance on the behalf of <br /> or furnishing of services to the recipienz. srr the applicant. <br /> 6 �S� Orange County Heal Department <br /> Dated ! <br /> Applicant) <br /> by <br /> itle of authorized official) ` <br /> Moses Carey, Jr., Cha <br /> Board of County Comm sioners <br /> P.O. Box 8181 <br /> Hillsborough NC 27278-8181 <br /> (Address of Applicant) <br /> No further monies or other benefits may be paid out under Food and Nutrition Service Federal assistance <br /> programs unless this Assurance Is completed and filed as required by existing regulations Q CFA 15). <br />