Orange County NC Website
3 <br /> A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE COUNTY TO ENTER INTO A LEASE <br /> AGREEMENT WITH THE INTER-FAITH COUNCIL FOR SOCIAL SERVICE <br /> WHEREAS, there is a critical need for transitional housing <br /> for homeless families , including battered women and other <br /> low-income individuals in Orange County; and <br /> WHEREAS the Inter-Faith Council for Community Service ( IFC) <br /> has applied for and received $1 . 783 million dollars from the <br /> US Department for Housing and Urban Development for Project <br /> Home Start based on the model proposed by the County's <br /> Emergency Family Support and Shelter Task Force; and <br /> WHEREAS on February 6, 1995, the County Commissioners <br /> adopted a motion to approve a long-term lease for a site <br /> located on the County 's property on Homestead Road for the <br /> specific purpose of transitional family housing provided by <br /> Project Home Start; and <br /> WHEREAS the County Staff has drafted a 15-year lease <br /> agreement that has been reviewed by the IFC staff , legal <br /> counsel and IFC Board of Directors ; <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Orange County Board <br /> of Commissioners approves the lease agreement between the <br /> County and the Inter-Faith Council for Project Home Start, <br /> and hereby authorizes the Chair to sign on behalf of the <br /> Board and the Clerk to the Commissioners , to attest the lease <br /> and memorandum thereof . <br />