Orange County NC Website
7 <br /> Old Feld This community is dominated by johnson grass and white aster, and also <br /> contains goldenrod and milkweed. Judging by the growth of vegetation, <br /> the fields on the old dairy farm property have been abandoned for a <br /> couple of years. Close to the farmhouse, blackberry, multiflora rose, and <br /> Jerusalem artichoke are more common. Some of the steeper draws in the <br /> fields remain forested, and contain vegetation similar to that of the <br /> bottomland hardwood community. <br /> There are 150.6 acres in this community within the project boundaries. <br /> Old Pasture This community was judged to be an old pasture by the type of vegetation <br /> found there. It consisted of a dense, shrub-shrub layer containing red <br /> cedar, sweet gum, black cherry, and hawthorn,with old grapes reaching <br /> into the tree tops, and sparse growth beneath. Red cedar is often favored <br /> in pastures, as it is unpalatable to grazers, and survives cutting. Hawthorn <br /> is also considered to be a pasture pest. This area was probably too steep <br /> to be used for cultivation. The size of the trees found in this community <br /> suggests it has not been used for at least a decade. <br /> There are 4.8 acres in this community within the project boundaries. <br />