Orange County NC Website
8 <br /> May 26, 1995 <br /> The Board of County Commissioners <br /> Page 6 <br /> Because, in addition to our report on the general purpose financial statements, the scope of the <br /> engagement includes an audit in accordance with Government Auditing Standards, the requirements <br /> of OMB Circular A-128 and the State Single Audit Implementation Act, our reports on compliance <br /> with laws and regulations, including legal compliance and reports on your systems of internal control <br /> may be accompanied by observations (findings) on your compliance or on your systems of internal <br /> control and a schedule of questioned costs, if the results of our audit procedures require such <br /> observations or questioned costs. If any observations or findings are reported to you, you must <br /> provide a written corrective action plan under the requirements of the OMB Circular A-128 and the <br /> State Single Audit Implementation Act. <br /> Our audit is not specifically designed and cannot be relied on to disclose all reportable conditions <br /> (that is, significant deficiencies in the design or operation of the internal control structure). <br /> However, during the audit, if we become aware of such reportable conditions that affect the financial <br /> internal control systems or of ways that we believe management practices can be improved, we will <br /> communicate them to you in a separate letter. <br /> At the conclusion of the audit, we will request Orange County's management to provide us a <br /> representation letter that, among other things, will confirm management's responsibility for the <br /> preparation of the general purpose financial statements in conformity with generally accepted <br /> accounting principles, and availability of financial records and related data, the completeness and <br /> availability of all minutes of County Commissioners (and Committee) meetings, the absence of <br /> irregularities involving management or those employees who have significant roles in the control <br /> structure and, further, to confirm management's responsibility for compliance with laws and <br /> regulations, applicable to federal and state financial assistance programs. <br /> We understand that our reports on the internal control structure as part of the general purpose <br /> financial statement audit and on compliance with laws and regulations are intended for the <br /> information of the County Manager and Members of the Board of County Commissioners, <br /> management, and officials of federal and state agencies. <br /> As required by Government Auditing Standards and OMB Circular A-128, we will maintain the <br /> working papers for a minimum of three years from the date of our reports. These working papers <br /> will be made available to representatives of the cognizant audit agency(or its designee), other <br /> government audit staffs, and/or the United States General Accounting Office upon their request and <br /> after they have properly notified you of their request to review the working papers. <br />