Orange County NC Website
5 <br /> May 26, 1995 <br /> The Board of County Commissioners <br /> Page 3 <br /> • Opinion on compliance with the specific requirements related to major federal and state <br /> programs identified in the Schedule of Federal and State Financial Assistance <br /> • Report on compliance with general requirements of federal financial assistance programs <br /> • Report on compliance with specific program requirements related to nonmajor federal financial <br /> assistance program transactions selected for testing, if any. <br /> In addition, we will render a report on illegal acts and a report on findings and questioned costs, as <br /> required, depending on the results of our audit procedures. <br /> The management of Orange County is responsible for establishing and maintaining an internal <br /> control structure. To fulfill this responsibility, estimates and judgments by management are required <br /> to assess the expected benefits and related costs for internal control structure to provide management <br /> with reasonable, but not absolute, assurance that assets are safeguarded against loss from <br /> unauthorized use or disposition, and that transactions are executed in accordance with management's <br /> authorization and recorded properly to permit the preparation of financial statements in accordance <br /> with generally accepted accounting principles. Because of inherent limitations in any internal <br /> control structure, errors or irregularities may nevertheless occur and not be detected. Also, <br /> projection of any evaluation of the structure to future periods is subject to the risk that procedures <br /> may become inadequate because of changes in conditions, or that the effectiveness of the design and <br /> operation of policies and procedures may deteriorate. <br /> As part of our audit, we will consider the organization's internal control structure and assess control <br /> risk, as required by Government Auditing Standards and generally accepted auditing standards, for <br /> the purpose of establishing a basis for determining the nature, timing, and extent of auditing <br /> procedures necessary for expressing our opinion concerning the general purpose financial <br /> statements, and not to provide assurance on the internal control structure. The report on our <br /> understanding of the organization's internal control structure and the assessment of control risk made <br /> as part of the general purpose financial statement audit will include (1)the scope of our work in <br /> obtaining an understanding of the internal control structure and in assessing the control risk; (2)the <br /> organization's significant internal controls or control structure, including the controls established to <br /> ensure compliance with laws and regulations that have a material impact on the general purpose <br /> financial statements; and(3)the reportable conditions, if any, including the identification of material <br /> weaknesses identified as a result of our work in understanding and assessing the control risk. <br />