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on safety and security issues . z <br /> . A proposed site plan and floor plan have been designed <br /> by GGA Architects , reviewed by a joint design committee <br /> including IFC and the Coalition and the Emergency Family <br /> Support and Shelter Task Force . Detailed plans are being <br /> prepared for review by appropriate committees and boards <br /> involved in the Chapel Hill special use permit modification <br /> process (see attached site plan, floor plan and <br /> construction budget) . <br /> The Town of Chapel Hill has agreed to waive all permitting <br /> fees and to expedite the zoning process, and the IFC and <br /> Coalition expect all zoning requirements to be approved by <br /> January, 1996. <br /> . County, Town and project staff have been meeting to explore <br /> access issues . IFC is proposing access to Home Start <br /> residences from Homestead Road (see attached Memo to <br /> Manager) . Orange County staff concurs with this proposal . <br /> . IFC and the Coalition have hired John Bush Associates , a <br /> Fundraising Council , to help raise the balance of <br /> construction funds ($375 ,000) and an initial fundraising <br /> committee has been formed. <br /> . A preliminary long-range funding plan for operating <br /> expenses after 1997-1998 (when HUD matching funds for <br /> this project will decrease and then end) has been developed <br /> which relies primarily on capital campaign donors , <br /> congregations and individuals . Approximately $8 ,500 <br /> annually will be needed from public sources . Services <br /> dollars ( for case management , transportation, etc. ) are <br /> expected to come from HUD or reallocated state sources . <br /> . A 15-year lease agreement has been drafted by County staff <br /> which has been reviewed by IFC's staff , legal counsel <br /> and Board (see attached agreement) . <br /> Site plan approval by the Town of Chapel Hill may require <br /> modification to the lease agreement . Any such modification <br /> will be brought back to the Board for its consideration. <br /> RECOMMENDATION: The Manager recommends that (a) the Board <br /> receive the update as information, and (b) approve adoption <br /> of a resolution to enter into a lease agreement with the <br /> Inter-Faith Council for Project Home Start. <br />