Orange County NC Website
Article 7: Subdivisions20 <br />Section 7.8: Access and Roadways <br />(4) Fill Material <br />(a) Where filling is necessary to raise the roadbed, cross watercourses or fill <br />stump holes, it shall be done with suitable material that is free of roots or <br />other organic matter. <br />(b) The fill should be firmly compacted to reduce settlement that will cause <br />ruts or holes in the finished road. <br />(5) Traffic Flow <br />(6) <br />(7) <br />(a) Private Roads shall provide for two -way traffic in order to prevent conflict <br />of vehicles meeting head -on. <br />(b) Two -way traffic for Class B roads can be accomplished by widening the <br />travelway at prescribed locations to at least 16 feet to allow vehicles to <br />pass or to pull over and stop while another vehicle passes. <br />(c) Plans showing road and right -of -way location, ditches and culverts, <br />extent of clearing, and existing and finish contour lines shall be approved <br />by the Erosion Control Officer. <br />Medians <br />(a) Medians may be permitted between travel lanes when it is demonstrated <br />that such design is desirable for the preservation of natural resources, or <br />that excessive cut and fill would be required to construct a roadway to <br />the standard width. <br />(b) Medians may be permitted only in accordance with the following: <br />(i) Each lane shall contain a minimum of 14 feet of vertical and <br />horizontal clearance. <br />(ii) Each lane shall contain a minimum travelway of eight feet, or 1/2 <br />of the required width for the applicable road class, whichever is <br />greater. <br />(iii) No lots shall access directly onto any divided portion of the road <br />unless there is adequate cross - access provided through the <br />median, or some other acceptable means of access and <br />turnaround for emergency vehicles. <br />(iv) Both lanes shall be contained within a single easement. <br />(v) A standard travelway of required width for the road class shall be <br />constructed where the private road intersects with another <br />private or public road. <br />(vi) Signs indicating "One Way" and /or a split roadway shall be <br />provided where the lanes diverge. <br />Grade <br />(a) The grade of the road should not exceed 12% because of the difficulty of <br />operating vehicles on such a steep road and the high potential for <br />erosion of the travelway and ditches. <br />(b) Where possible, the road should be constructed along the contour of the <br />land to avoid steep grades. <br />(c) In exceptional circumstances a variance may be granted for a grade <br />greater than 12 %, as may be approved by the Board of Adjustment prior <br />to construction (see Section 2.10 for variance procedures). <br />Circumstances where a variance will be considered are: <br />(i) There is no other reasonable access or location of the road, <br />Orange County, North Carolina — Unified Development Ordinance Page 7 -20 <br />