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• An informal fishing area at the pond; and <br />• An agricultural demonstration plot of local foods and heirloom crops. <br />In addition to these planned amenities, site infrastructure would be added, including a parking <br />area (with grass overflow parking), portable restrooms, entry gate, improvements to the <br />driveway and directional /park rule signage. <br />The above amenities and infrastructure are expected to exhaust all appropriated funds (with a <br />small amount to be transferred as shown below) for the remainder of the fiscal year, and allow <br />for the park to be open three days a week — projected to be Friday, Saturday and Sunday. <br />Future park personnel, operations and maintenance funding will be included in upcoming annual <br />County budgets. <br />Upon Board direction and /or approval of this plan, staff would proceed to: <br />• Prepare a site plan for the designated improvements, for submittal to the Planning <br />Department for approval; <br />• Beginning the hiring process for the Park staff person (augmented with backup from a <br />seasonal employee as reflected in the FY 2014 -15 budget); <br />• Solicit and award bids for the construction of the small parking lot and /or picnic shelter <br />An additional environmental trail, with boardwalk sections, is anticipated to be pursued after <br />park opening and completed over the next 18 months using existing and future budgeted funds. <br />The remainder of park facilities shown in the Blackwood Farm Park Master Plan, including an <br />amphitheatre, overlook and other amenities, is scheduled in the adopted CIP for design in FY <br />2016 -17 and construction in FY 2017 -18. Blackwood Farm Park is also the planned site for the <br />Parks Operations Base, currently housed in existing buildings at the future Millhouse Road Park. <br />In preparation for the limited opening of the park, staff has held two meetings with neighboring <br />property owners on site. Property owners along the northern boundary have expressed <br />pleasure in hearing about the limited opening plans, but also have concerns about some of the <br />facilities planned for the eventual park construction (in particular a proposed road and parking <br />lot along the northern boundary) that will need to be addressed prior to developing plans to <br />construct the remainder of the facility. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: A total of $197,400 has been appropriated to date for Blackwood Farm <br />Park capital improvements and operating. Funding was also approved for a permanent Parks <br />Technician and seasonal employee assistance. The need to have a second person on site <br />during operating hours has led staff to propose that $9,000 of the project capital funds be <br />transferred to personnel to help fund additional seasonal staffing. Project work will be adjusted <br />as needed to meet the available funds. The adopted FY 2014 -19 CIP reflects future funding of <br />$150,000 in FY 2016 -17 for construction design, and $1.9 million in FY 2017 -18 for construction. <br />Approximately $1.21 million in additional funding for the Parks Operations Base is reflected for <br />FY 2019 -2020. These amounts and their timing and source would be addressed each year <br />through updates to the CIP. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board review the proposed <br />Limited Opening Plan, provide feedback or direction to staff as needed, and authorize staff to <br />proceed with described actions to open the park on a limited basis with a target of March 2015. <br />